陈皮具有很高的药用价值, 且越陈越有价值, 在临床和日常食用中应用十分广泛。目前市场上除了药典规定的橘属植物及其栽培变种的果皮用作陈皮外, 柑属和橙属植物的果皮也被制成陈皮, 导致市场上陈皮的来源千差万别。由于不同产地品种和不同贮藏年限陈皮所含的化学成分种类和含量存在差异, 其功效也存在差异, 因此不同来源陈皮的化学成分和质量控制研究正受到越来越多的关注。本文主要综述了不同产地和不同贮藏年限陈皮中黄酮、挥发油、生物碱、多糖等化学成分的差异及所对应的陈皮功效的改变, 为陈皮的质量控制和评价提供科学数据, 为陈皮在临床及食品行业中的合理选择提供指导。
Citri reticulatae pericarpium (CRP) is of high medicinal value, and it is believed that “the longer the storage time, the better the quality of CRP”, thus CRP is widely used in clinic and daily foods. Recently in the market, in addition to the CRP from the dried pericarp derived from Citrus reticulata Blanco and its cultivars, as defined in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia, there are many CRP from other sources, such as Fortunella and Citrus Sinensis, leading to many different sources of CRP. Since the chemical composition of CRP from different varieties, different regions and different storage time is different, which brings different function of CRP, chemical composition and quality control of CRP from different sources has attracted increased attention. This paper summarized the research progress on the chemical composition (flavonoids, volatile oil, alkaloids, and polysaccharides) of CRP from different regions and different storage time, as well as the related change in the function, so as to provide scientific data for quality control and evaluation of CRP, and provide guidance for the reasonable selection of CRP in clinic and food industry.
英文标题:Research progress on the chemical composition of Citri reticulatae of different regions and different storage time
余祥英 东莞理工学院,食品营养健康工程与智能化加工研究中心,化学工程与能源技术学院
陈晓纯 东莞理工学院,食品营养健康工程与智能化加工研究中心,化学工程与能源技术学院
李玉婷 东莞理工学院,食品营养健康工程与智能化加工研究中心,化学工程与能源技术学院
李琳 东莞理工学院,食品营养健康工程与智能化加工研究中心,化学工程与能源技术学院
英文关键词:Citri reticulatae pericarpium,flavonoids,volatile oil,alkaloids,different storage time,different regions,
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