目的 了解熏烧烤肉制品质量状况。方法 对江苏省13市418批次熏烧烤肉制品进行抽检, 采用最新食品安全国家标准进行检测, 并对检测数据进行分析。结果 苯甲酸及其钠盐2批次不合格, 苯并[a]芘1批次不合格, 4种多环芳烃之和[苯并[a]芘、苯并[a]蒽、苯并荧蒽以及1,2-苯并菲总量, 简写为PAH4]项目有3批次超过欧盟限量; 360批次样品检出多环芳烃, 检出率86.1%, 分子量相对较低的轻质多环芳烃平均检出率是重质多环芳烃平均检出率的3.2倍; 229批次肉制品进行了肉源性成分鉴定, 发现21批次与声称成分不符, 不符合率为9.2%。结论 本次熏烧烤肉制品主要不合格项目为超范围使用食品添加剂、苯并[a]芘超标, PAH4超过欧盟限量标准; 由肉种成分分析结果可以看出, 存在以低价原料冒充高价原料的情况。
Objective To investigate the quality of smoked and barbecued meat products. Methods Totally 418 batches of smoked and barbecued meat products in 13 cities of Jiangsu province were sampled and tested by the national food safety standards, and the test data were analyzed. Results A totally of 2 batches of benzoic acid and its sodium salt were not qualified, 1 batch of benzo [a] pyrene was not qualified, 3 batches of PAH4(Sum of 4 kinds of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) exceeded the EU limit. The detection rate of PAHs in 360 batches was 86.1%, and the average detection rate of light PAHs with relatively low molecular weight was 3.2 times of that of heavy PAHs. The identification of meat derived components in 229 batches of meat products showed that 21 batches were inconsistent with the claimed components, and the inconformity rate was 9.2%. Conclusion The main unqualified items of smoked and barbecued meat products are the over-use of food additives and benzo [a] pyrene projects. PAH4 exceeded the EU limit. The Identification of meat species show that there is a situation of replacing high-price raw materials with low-cost raw materials.
英文标题:Quality analysis of smoked and barbecued meat products in Jiangsu province
丁洪流 苏州市产品质量监督检验院
徐一博 苏州市虎丘区市场监督管理局
金萍 苏州市产品质量监督检验院
府雨月 苏州市产品质量监督检验院
英文关键词:smoked and barbecued meat product,quality analysis,Jiangsu province,investigation,
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