目的 探究乳山潮间带和潮下带养殖牡蛎的脂肪酸组分的月际变化。方法 选取2019年度1~12月份的乳山牡蛎样品, 通过测定生长情况、总脂肪含量、脂肪酸组成, 分析2种养殖模式下乳山牡蛎在养殖期内的脂肪酸组成变化规律, 探究不同养殖模式对乳山牡蛎营养品质的影响。结果 潮下带和潮间带养殖牡蛎总脂肪含量各月差异显著(P<0.05), 牡蛎主要脂肪酸含量的月际变化显著(P<0.05), 在一年中绝大多数时间潮下带养殖牡蛎中总脂肪酸和ω-3多不饱和脂肪酸含量高于潮间带养殖牡蛎, 一年中2种养殖模式牡蛎中脂肪酸含量变化趋势基本一致, 在5月份脂肪酸含量达到最高, 在7、8月份脂肪酸含量较低。结论 从脂肪酸指标考量乳山养殖牡蛎5月份品质较好, 潮下带养殖模式优于潮间带养殖。
Objective To explore the monthly variation of fatty acid composition of cultured oysters in intertidal zone and subtidal zone of Rushan. Methods In order to explore the different effects of aquaculture modes on the nutritional components of the oysters, the samples was collected monthly in 2019, then the growth data and the content of total fat and fatty acid components were measured, and the variation of fatty acid composition of the oysters in 2 different aquaculture environments during the same culture period were analyzed. Results There was significant difference between the content of total fat of Rushan oysters cultured in subtidal zone and intertidal zone from month to month (P<0.05), and the main fatty acid content of the oysters changed significantly throughout the year (P<0.05). The content of total fatty acids and ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in the oysters cultured in intertidal was higher than that in intertidal most of the year. The diversity of the content of fatty acid of the oysters cultured between the 2 different modes was similar during one year, and the fatty acid content reached the highest value in May, and it was low in July and August. Conclusion The quality of Rushan oysters collected in May is better based on of fatty acid, and subtidal oysters farming models is superior to the intertidal oysters.
英文标题:Monthly variation of fatty acid composition of Rushan oyster in intertidal zone and subtidal zone
李旭东 农业部水产品质量安全检测与评价重点实验室,中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所;江苏省海洋生物资源与环境重点实验室,江苏海洋大学
彭吉星 农业部水产品质量安全检测与评价重点实验室,中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所
吴海燕 农业部水产品质量安全检测与评价重点实验室,中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所
郑关超 农业部水产品质量安全检测与评价重点实验室,中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所
郭萌萌 农业部水产品质量安全检测与评价重点实验室,中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所
翟毓秀 农业部水产品质量安全检测与评价重点实验室,中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所
冯志华 江苏省海洋生物资源与环境重点实验室,江苏海洋大学
谭志军 农业部水产品质量安全检测与评价重点实验室,中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所
英文关键词:Rushan oyster,fatty acid,intertidal zone,subtidal zone,
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