目的 探讨2款保健食品配方益气养阴清热降糖方与滋阴补肾降糖方对糖尿病大鼠的辅助降血糖作用。方法 SD大鼠给予基础饲料适应1周后转喂3周高热能饲料, 第5周腹腔注射链脲佐菌素(streptozotocin, STZ)建立Ⅱ型糖尿病模型, 第1周基础饲料适应的同时, 分别给予益气养阴清热降糖方与滋阴补肾降糖方低(1.8 g/kg)、高(3.6 g/kg)剂量药液, 连续34 d, 结束实验时检测空腹血糖、糖耐量、血清胰岛素及计算胰岛素抵抗指数。结果 与模型组比较, 益气养阴清热降糖方低剂量组0.5 h糖耐量血糖值下降; 滋阴补肾降糖方低剂量组空腹血糖值下降、高剂量组空腹血糖值、0.5 h糖耐量血糖值、胰岛素抵抗指数下降有统计学差异(P<0.05)。结论 益气养阴清热降糖方与滋阴补肾降糖方可有效降低Ⅱ型糖尿病大鼠的糖耐量, 滋阴补肾降糖方在降低Ⅱ型糖尿病大鼠的空腹血糖以及改善胰岛素抵抗情况方面, 作用优于益气养阴清热降糖方。
Objective To research the assistant hypoglycemic effect of two kinds of health food formulas Yi Qi Yang Yin Qing Re Jiang Tang Fang and Zi Yin Bu Shen Jiang Tang Fang on type Ⅱ diabetes. Methods SD rats were administered with streptozotocin by intraperitoneal injection to induce type Ⅱ diabetes after 1 week basal feeding and 3 weeks high thermal feeding. Rats were intragastric administrated with low (1.8 g/kg) and high (3.6 g/kg) doses of Yi Qi Yang Yin Qing Re Jiang Tang Fang and Zi Yin Bu Shen Jiang Tang Fang respectively for 34 days at the beginning of the basal feeding. By the end of the study, value of fasting blood-glucose, sugar tolerance, serum insulin and insulin resistance index were detected. Results Compared with the model group, the low dose group of Yi Qi Yang Yin Qing Re Jiang Tang Fang can significantly decrease the blood glucose level in 0.5 h sugar tolerance test. The blood glucose value of fasting blood-glucose test significantly decreased in both the low and high dose group of Zi Yin Bu Shen Jiang Tang Fang. What’s more, high dose group of Zi Yin Bu Shen Jiang Tang Fang could either decrease the blood glucose level in 0.5 h sugar tolerance and decrease the insulin resistance index. (P<0.05) Conclusion Yi Qi Yang Yin Qing Re Jiang Tang Fang and Zi Yin Bu Shen Jiang Tang Fang can reduce the blood glucose level in sugar tolerance test of type Ⅱ diabetes rats effectively by preventive interventions. Moreover, Zi Yin Bu Shen Jiang Tang Fan can reduce the value of fasting blood-glucose and improve insulin resistance.
英文标题:Study on the assistant hypoglycemic effect of 2 kinds of health food formulas on diabetic rats
冯学轩 广东省医学实验动物中心
严家荣 广东省医学实验动物中心
黄远英 汤臣倍健股份有限公司
黎耀俊 广东省医学实验动物中心
潘晓慧 广东省医学实验动物中心
黎莉斯 广东省医学实验动物中心
龙淑娴 广东省医学实验动物中心
邝少松 广东省医学实验动物中心
英文关键词:type II diabetes,insulin resistance,sugar tolerance,fasting blood-glucose,
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