在现阶段, 随着人们对食品安全的持续关注和对健康生活的美好向往, 如何快速、准确和高灵敏地分析食品中残留的痕量有毒有害物质成为目前分析方法需要解决的重要问题之一。样品前处理作为食品安全分析中关键的一环, 直接影响着检测结果的灵敏度、准确性和可靠性。纳米合成技术的不断发展赋予磁性纳米材料不同的功能特性并在样品前处理方面应用更加广泛。与传统的前处理技术相比, 磁固相萃取方法的开发极大地提高了其在农兽药残留、真菌毒素、重金属等食品危害物分析前处理方面的应用。本文对磁性纳米材料的特点、合成与修饰方法及在食品安全检测前处理中的应用进行了总结, 并对近年来其在食品危害物检测前处理方面的进展进行了综合评述。
Due to people's continuous attention to food safety and their yearning for a healthy life at the present stage, how to analyze the trace toxic and harmful substances in food quickly, accurately and highly sensitively becomes one of the important problems that need to be solved by current analytical methods. As a key part of food safety analysis, sample pretreatment directly affects the sensitivity, accuracy and reliability of analytical results. The continuous development of synthesis technology endows magnetic nanomaterials with different functional properties and makes it be widely used in sample pretreatment. Compared with the traditional pretreatment technologies, the development of magnetic solid phase extraction greatly improves its application in the analyses of pesticide and veterinary drug residues, mycotoxins, heavy metals and other food hazards. This paper summarized the characteristics, synthesis and modification methods of magnetic nanomaterials, and their application in the pretreatment of food safety detection. It reviewed the recent progress in the treatment of food samples for hazards determination.
英文标题:Application of magnetic nanomaterials in the sample pretreatment of food hazardous substances analysis
孔志康 南京财经大学食品科学与工程学院
袁建 南京财经大学食品科学与工程学院
邢常瑞 南京财经大学食品科学与工程学院;生命分析化学国家重点实验室,南京大学化学化工学院,南京大学现代分析中心
李彭 南京财经大学食品科学与工程学院
乔俊琴 生命分析化学国家重点实验室,南京大学化学化工学院,南京大学现代分析中心
练鸿振 生命分析化学国家重点实验室,南京大学化学化工学院,南京大学现代分析中心
英文关键词:magnetic nanomaterials,solid-phase extraction,food safety,sample pretreatment,
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