目的 建立湿法消解-电感耦合等离子体质谱法(inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, ICP-MS)测定8种水生蔬菜中5种元素的方法。方法 样品在混合酸(硝酸:高氯酸=4:1, V:V)介质中消解, 消解后, 将消化液用水转移至25 mL容量瓶, 并用ICP-MS同时测定水生蔬菜中总As、Cd、Cr、Ni和Pb这5种元素的含量。结果 5种元素的标准曲线线性范围可达0~200 μg/L, 相关系数为0.9992~0.9998, 检出限为0.009~0.025 μg/L, 定量限为0.030~0.083 μg/L, 回收率为89.4%~112.6%, RSD(n=11)为1.20%~1.86%。80份水生蔬菜样品中5种元素的含量均低于国家标准规定的食品中污染物限量。水生蔬菜不同种类间, 5种元素的含量有显著差异。结论 湿法消解-ICP-MS方法直观、快速、准确、可靠, 适于水生蔬菜中多元素同时测定。
Objective To establish a method for simultaneous determination of 5 elements in eight aquatic vegetables by wet digestion-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Methods Samples were digested in a wet digestion system with mixed acid (nitric acid:perchloric acid=4:1, V:V), the digestion solution was transferred to a 25 mL volumetric flask with water after digestion. and contents of total As, Cd, Cr, Ni and Pb in the digestion solutions were determined simultaneously by ICP-MS. Results The linear range of the standard curve of the 5 elements were 0?200 μg/L, the correlation coefficient were 0.9992?0.9998, the detection limit were 0.009?0.025 μg/L, the limit of quantification were 0.030?0.083 μg/L, the recoveries were 89.4%?112.6%, RSD (n=11) were 1.20%?1.86%. The contents of 5 elements in 80 samples of aquatic vegetables were all lower than the limits of pollutants in food stipulated by national standards. There were significant differences in the contents of 5 elements among different aquatic vegetables. Conclusion The method of wet digestion/ICP-MS is visual, rapid, accurate and reliable. It is suitable for the simultaneous determination of multiple elements in aquatic vegetables.
英文标题:Simultaneous determination of five elements in aquatic vegetables by wet digestion- inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
周敏楠 常熟市疾病预防控制中心
英文关键词:wet digestion,inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry,element,aquatic vegetables,
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