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[生物] 不同品牌霉菌毒素检测试剂盒的质量评价

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admin 发表于 2025-3-15 22:00 | 查看全部 阅读模式

目的  评价当前国内外应用较广的9个不同品牌黄曲霉毒素B1、玉米赤霉烯酮、呕吐毒素检测试剂盒的准确性。方法  选取3种不同浓度的质控样品、4种饲料原料样品(玉米干全酒精糟、玉米胚芽粕、麦麸、豆粕)、2种饲料产品样品(蛋鸡配合饲料、牛浓缩饲料)。采用3种不同浓度的质控样(用萃取液点板6个孔)的检测结果变异系数(variable coefficient, CV)作为精密度评价指标。采用质控样的6个单独检测结果变异系数作为系统的精密度评价指标, 采用实际样品的检测结果评价试剂盒的适用性。结果  呕吐毒素试剂盒CV值平均值2号品牌2.7%, 3号品牌3.4%。玉米赤霉烯酮试剂盒CV值平均值3号品牌4.6%, 2号品牌5.5%, 4号品牌5.4%。黄曲霉毒素B1试剂盒CV值平均值5号品牌3.3%, 8号品牌3.7%, 2号品牌4.1%。结论  依据试剂盒精密度、准确度、灵敏度和适应性综合评估2号品牌呕吐毒素试剂盒综合结果优秀, 9号品牌玉米赤霉烯酮试剂盒综合结果较好, 5号品牌黄曲霉毒素B1综合结果较好。同时, 就检测上述3种常见毒素而言, 没有发现一个品牌的试剂盒可以同时在多个毒素检测上表现优秀。

Objective  To evaluate the accuracy of aflatoxin B1, zearalenone and deoxynivalenol testing kits of 9 different brands widely used at home and abroad. Methods  Three kinds of quality control samples with different concentrations, 4 feed raw material samples (corn dry whole grain, corn germ meal, wheat bran and soybean meal) and 2 feed product samples (laying hen compound feed and concentrated material of cattle) were selected. The variation coefficients of testing results of 3 kinds of control samples with different concentrations (6 holes in the extraction liquid point plate) were used as the precision evaluation indexes. The variation coefficients (CV) of 6 individual testing results of quality control samples were used as the precision evaluation indexes of the system, and the testing results of raw material samples and product samples were used to evaluate the practicability of the kits. Results  The average CV values of the deoxynivalenol kit were 2.7% for No.2 brand and 3.4% for No.3 brand. Mean CV values of zearalenone kit were 4.6% in No.3 brand, 5.5% in No.2 brand and 5.4% in No.4 brand. Average CV values of aflatoxin B1 kit: 3.3% from No.5 brand, 3.7% from No.8 brand and 4.1% from No.2 brand. Conclusion  According to the comprehensive evaluation of the precision, accuracy, sensitivity and adaptability of the test kit, the comprehensive results of the test kit of No.2 brand deoxynivalenol kit, the comprehensive results of No.9 brand zearalenone kit are good, and the comprehensive results of No.5 brand aflatoxin B1 are good. At the same time, as far as the detection of the above three common toxins is concerned, no kit of one brand has been found to perform well in the detection of multiple toxins.

英文标题:Quality assessment of different brands of mycotoxin testing kits

吕秋威 沈阳波音饲料有限公司
郁恒 沈阳波音饲料有限公司
刘旭龙 沈阳波音饲料有限公司
刘筱倩 沈阳波音饲料有限公司
周博洋 沈阳波音饲料有限公司
李微 沈阳波音饲料有限公司
商方方 中国农业科学院饲料研究所
李俊 中国农业科学院饲料研究所

英文关键词:mycotoxin kit,enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay,precision,coefficient of variation,quality assessment,

2025-2-27 20:28 上传
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