目的 采用气相色谱-质谱联用技术对三沟白酒香气成分进行分析。方法 对10批三沟白酒样品经前处理后, 应用色谱峰面积归一化法测定各组分的相对含量。结果 分离并鉴定了49种微量物质, 包括18种酯类成分, 占所有香气物质的64.71%; 9种酸类成分, 占28.09%; 15 种醇类成分, 占5.04%; 4种醛类成分, 占1.82%; 2种酮类成分占0.28%; 1种烷烃类成分占0.06%。相对含量较高的化合物有己酸乙酯、乳酸乙酯、乙酸乙酯、丁酸乙酯己酸、乙酸、丁酸、乙缩醛、异戊醇和正丁醇。结论 主要相对含量较高的化合物合计占总香气成分的94.16%, 构成了三沟白酒主要香气成分。
Objective To analyze the aroma components of Sangou liquor by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Methods The relative contents of each component in 10 batches of Sangou samples were determined by normalization method of chromatographic peak area. Results Forty-nine aroma trace compounds were isolated and identified, including 18 esters (64.71%), 9 acids (28.09%), 15 alcohols (5.04%), 4 aldehydes (1.82%) and 2 ketones (0.28%). And one kind of alkane accounted for 0.06%. Relatively high concentrations of the compounds were ethyl hexanoate, ethyl lactate, ethyl acetate, hexanoic acid, acetic acid, butyric acid, acetal, isoamyl alcohol and n-butanol. Conclusion The main aroma components of Sangou are composed of 94.16% of the total aroma components.
英文标题:Analysis of aroma components in Sangou by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
王志刚 辽宁省检验检测认证中心
高广慧 辽宁省检验检测认证中心
张月辉 辽宁省检验检测认证中心
周宇 辽宁省检验检测认证中心
孙晓娟 辽宁省检验检测认证中心
张旭 辽宁省检验检测认证中心
英文关键词:liquor,aroma component,gas chromatography-mass sectrometry,
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