目的 探索稳定同位素比率和矿质元素含量分析用于进口大豆溯源的可行性。方法 采用稳定同位素质谱测定阿根廷和巴西大豆中的4种轻元素碳、氮、氢、氧的稳定同位素比率, 采用电感耦合等离子体质谱测定大豆中的38种矿质元素含量, 对结果进行方差分析, 并运用正交偏最小二乘法判别分析构建大豆产地判别模型。结果 大豆的碳、氮、氢、氧稳定同位素比率(δ13C、δ15N、δ2H、δ18O)和镁、铝、钪等26种矿质元素含量具有明显的地域差异, 结合多元统计学方法, 可以有效地区分阿根廷和巴西所产的大豆, 交叉验证的判别准确率均达到了100%。结论 稳定同位素比率和矿质元素含量分析结合多元统计学方法可对阿根廷和巴西大豆进行有效的产地溯源, 具有较大的应用前景, 有望为进口大豆产地溯源技术的研究提供新的方法。
Objective To investigate the potential of stable isotope ratio and elemental analyses for tracing the geographic origin of imported soybeans. Methods The stable isotope ratios of 4 light elements (C, N, H and O) as well as the contents of 38 mineral elements in soybeans originated from Argentina and Brazil were analyzed with isotope ratio mass spectrometer and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer, respectively. Multivariate statistical analysis including one-way ANOVA and OPLS-DA were applied to the data. Results The ratios of of stable isotopes of carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen (δ13C, δ15N, δ2H, δ18O) and contents of 26 mineral elements such as magnesium, aluminum and scandium in soybean had significant regional differences. Using multivariate statistical analysis, soybeans originated from the 2 countries were successfully discriminated, and 100% correct classification was achieved with cross-validation. Conclusion Stable isotope ratio and elemental analyses in combination with multivariate statistical analysis were effective for tracing the geographic origin of soybeans from Argentina and Brazil, and this method gives valuable insight into the geographic authentication of imported soybeans.
英文标题:Origin traceability of imported soybeans (Glycine max) using stable isotope ratio and elemental analyses
胡玲 宁波海关技术中心;宁波检验检疫科学技术研究院
周建立 宁波海关技术中心
张益 宁波海关技术中心
徐瑛 宁波海关技术中心;宁波检验检疫科学技术研究院
刘汉伟 宁波海关技术中心;宁波检验检疫科学技术研究院
英文关键词:stable isotope ratio,mineral elements,soybean (Glycine max),geographic traceability,
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