发酵食品因具有多种多样的促进健康功能、特殊风味和便于储藏等优点而受到人们的喜爱。然而, 在发酵食品制作过程中, 会产生和蓄积大量的有害物质生物胺(biogenic amines, BA), 过量食用后会严重危害消费者的身体健康。BA是一类非挥发性低分子量的含氮有机物, 由氨基酸脱羧形成。在食品发酵过程中, 由于微生物、化学和物理条件的影响, BA的产生很难被控制, 因而使得发酵食品面临着严峻的安全问题。目前对于BA以及产BA微生物的检测已经有较成熟的方法, 但是对于如何清除发酵食品中的BA仍然缺乏有效的措施。较为可行的一种措施是BA酶降解法, 通过向发酵食品中添加能够降解BA的微生物来降低BA的含量, 但是此方法规模化的应用仍然有诸多问题需要探索。本文在现有文献的基础上, 对当前发酵食品中BA引发的问题、检测、预防以及微生物降解BA的研究进行论述, 旨在让人们了解发酵食品中BA的危害, 同时让发酵食品行业对于微生物降解BA这一新方向有较全面的认识。
Fermented foods are popular with people because of their diverse beneficial effects on health, special flavor, and storage convenience. However, the content of biogenic amines (BA) will arise and accumulate along with the process of fermentation. Excessive intake of BA will be harmful to human health. BA are non-volatile low-molecularweight nitrogenous organic bases, derived through decarboxylation of corresponding amino acids. For fermented foods, the control of BA generation is difficult due to the influence of microorganisms, chemical and physical conditions, which brings safety problem for the fermented foods. To date, there are relatively mature methods for the detection of BA and amino acid decarboxylase-positive microorganisms. However, the specific measures to eliminate BA from fermented foods are still scarce. The addition of microorganism with BA-degrading ability to the fermented foods is a feasible measure for the control of BA content. However, there are still many problems for the large-scale applications of this method. Based on the existing literature, this article reviewed the harmful effects of BA, the detection and strategies for prevention of BA accumulation, and the ability of food microorganisms to degrade BA, aiming to make people aware of the possible safety risks of BA, and at the same time make the fermentation industry know the feasibility of using BA-degrading microorganism.
英文标题:Research status of biogenic amines from fermented foods
王波 东莞理工学院化学工程与能源技术学院,食品营养健康工程与智能化加工研究中心
肖珊 东莞理工学院化学工程与能源技术学院,食品营养健康工程与智能化加工研究中心
蔡燕雪 东莞理工学院化学工程与能源技术学院,食品营养健康工程与智能化加工研究中心
张乐 中储粮油脂工业东莞有限公司
尹浩 中储粮油脂工业东莞有限公司
王际辉 东莞理工学院化学工程与能源技术学院,食品营养健康工程与智能化加工研究中心;大连工业大学生物工程学院
李琳 东莞理工学院化学工程与能源技术学院,食品营养健康工程与智能化加工研究中心
英文关键词:fermented foods,biogenic amines,food safety,biogenic amines degradation,
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