目的 了解深圳市市售水产品中重金属铅、镉、汞含量水平, 评价水产品食用的安全性。方法 在深圳市区范围内采集具有代表性、典型性的水产品, 26个品种共377份样品, 按照GB 5009.268-2016《食品安全国家标准 食品中多元素的测定》的方法进行分析。引入单因子污染指数法分析污染状况。结果 镉、甲基汞、铅超标率分别为7.43%、1.60%和1.06%。单因子污染指数显示镉汞存在一定程度污染, 其中镉重度污染样品主要集中在鱼类(重度污染占比10.2%)和甲壳类(重度污染占比14.7%), 对比其他地区近5年污染数据显示深圳市售甲壳类水产品镉污染状况明显高于广东省平均水平。结论 深圳市售水产品重金属安全卫生质量较好, 但甲壳类水产品镉存在一定程度污染, 应引起高度重视。
Objective To investigate the contents of lead, cadmium and mercury in aquatic products sold in Shenzhen city and evaluate the edible safety of aquatic products. Methods Representative and typical aquatic products were collected within the urban area of Shenzhen. A total of 377 samples of 26 varieties were collected and analyzed according to the method of GB 5009.268-2016 National food safety standard-Determination of multiple elements in food. The single factor pollution index method was introduced to analyze the pollution status. Results The exceeding rates of cadmium, methyl mercury and lead were 7.43%, 1.60% and 1.06%, respectively. The single factor pollution index showed that there were a certain degree of pollution of cadmium and mercury. Among them, the samples of heavy cadmium pollution were mainly concentrated in fish (heavy pollution accounted for 10.2%) and crustaceans (heavy pollution accounted for 14.7%). Compared with the pollution data of other regions in recent five years, the cadmium pollution of crustacean aquatic products sold in Shenzhen was obviously higher than the average level of Guangdong province. Conclusion The safety and health quality of heavy metals in aquatic products sold in Shenzhen are good, but cadmium in crustacean aquatic products has a certain degree of pollution, which should be highly valued.
英文标题:Analysis of pollution status of lead, cadmium and mercury in aquatic products sold in Shenzhen
温权 广东省深圳市福田区疾病预防控制中心
许玉成 广东省深圳市福田区疾病预防控制中心
李可 广东省深圳市福田区疾病预防控制中心
英文关键词:aquatic products,heavy metals,single factor pollution index,
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