目的 应用食品安全指数法分析评价广西抽验水产品的兽药残留风险。方法 以2018~2019年广西-东盟食品检验检测中心食品抽验中的水产品为样本, 以问题检出率和不合格度构建食品安全指数, 应用扇状模型评价法, 对水产品中重点项目开展风险评价。结果 水产品总体食品安全指数R为0.0898; 水产品中不同类别食品安全指数R分别为: 贝类0.5285、其他水产0.1448、鱼类0.0310、虾蟹类0; 兽药残留风险由大到小依次为: 贝类>其他水产>鱼类>虾蟹类。广西水产品中6种兽药残留的食品安全指数分别为: 氯霉素0.0619、恩诺沙星0.0485、硝基呋喃类0.0457、孔雀石绿0.0429、磺胺类0.0427、氟苯尼考0.0424; 风险危害程度由大到小依次是: 氯霉素>恩诺沙星>硝基呋喃类>孔雀石绿>磺胺类>氟苯尼考。结论 目前广西水产品总体兽药残留风险不大, 鱼类、虾蟹类及其他水产类安全状态是可以接受的, 贝类的安全性有待进一步提高。
Objective To analyze and evaluate the veterinary drug residue risk of selected aquatic products in Guangxi by food safety index method. Methods Taking the aquatic products in the food sampling test of Guangxi -ASEAN Food Inspection and Testing Center from 2018 to 2019 as samples, the food safety index was constructed based on the problem detection rate and nonconformity, and the fan model evaluation method was applied to carry out the risk evaluation of key items in aquatic products. Results The total food safety index R of aquatic products was 0.0898. The food safety index R of different categories in aquatic products was 0.5285 for shellfish, 0.1448 for other aquatic products, 0.0310 for fish and 0 for shrimp and crab, respectively. The residual risks of veterinary drugs from large to small were: shellfish > other aquatic products > fish > shrimp and crab. The food safety indexes of 6 veterinary drug residues in Guangxi aquatic products were: 0.0619 for chloramphenicol, 0.0485 for enrofloxacin, 0.0457 for nitrofurans, 0.0429 for malachite green, 0.0427 for sulfonamides, 0.0424 for florfenicol, respectively. The degree of risk and hazard from large to small were: chloramphenicol > enrofloxacin > nitrofurans > malachite green > sulfonamides > florfenicol. Conclusion At present, the overall risk of veterinary drug residues in Guangxi aquatic products is not large. The safety status of fish, shrimp, crabs and other aquatic products is acceptable, and the safety of shellfish needs to be further improved.
英文标题:Risk evaluation of veterinary drug residues in aquatic products of Guangxi by food safety index method
盘正华 广西壮族自治区食品药品检验所
覃攀 广西壮族自治区食品药品检验所
英文关键词:veterinary drug residue,aquatic products,risk assessment,food safety index,
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