目的 对云南省6种鹅膏菌的核糖体大亚基(nuclear large-subunit ribosomal DNA, nLSU rDNA)及内转录间隔区(internal transcribed spacer, ITS)DNA序列进行比对分析, 探究其亲缘关系以找到合适的鉴定鹅膏菌DNA条形码序列的方法。方法 采用试剂盒离心柱法提取6种鹅膏菌DNA, 以ITS4/ITS5作为ITS序列引物和LR5/LROR作为nLSU序列的引物进行PCR扩增, 后送至华大基因科技有限公司进行测序。所返回的序列进行遗传距离分析及邻接树构建。结果 球基鹅膏、红托鹅膏与小豹斑鹅膏3种鹅膏菌亲缘关系较近。以ITS序列分析, 三者遗传距离在0.0202~0.0801之间。以nLSU序列分析, 三者遗传距离在0.0031~0.0303之间。黄毒蝇鹅膏与赭盖鹅膏菌H2在ITS序列中与黄毒蝇鹅膏20、21、H7、D1、D16、D24亲缘关系较近, 遗传距离在0.0462~0.0479。赭盖鹅膏菌7与黄毒蝇鹅膏D14两株菌遗传距离仅有0.1528。从邻接树来看ITS序列存在种内多, 聚类分析结果不稳定, 明显不同的2个种聚为一支。而nLSU序列可将各种分离开。结论 建议鹅膏菌快速鉴定选用nLSU序列作为主要鉴定序列, ITS序列作为辅助序列。
Objective To compare and analyze the nuclear large–subunit ribosomal DNA (nLSU rDNA) and the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) DNA sequence of 6 kinds of Amanita species from Yunnan province, and explore their kinship to find a suitable DNA barcode sequence for identifying Amanita. Methods DNA of 6 species of agaricola bacteria was extracted by centrifugation column method, ITS4/ITS5 was used as ITS sequence primer and LR5/LROR was used as nLSU sequence primer for PCR amplification, which was then sent to Bgi for sequencing. The returned sequence was used for genetic distance analysis and adjacency tree construction. Results Three species of Amanita were closely related to ball-based amanita, red agate cream and small leopard spotted amanita. By ITS sequence analysis, the genetic distance of the 3 was between 0.0202 and 0.0801. The genetic distance of nLSU was between 0.0031 and 0.0303. In ITS sequence, goose ointment and ochratella ochratae H2 were closely related to goose ointment 20, 21, H7, D1, D16 and D24, with a genetic distance of 0.0462~0.0479. The genetic distance between ochratoxin 7 and gossamer fly D14 was only 0.1528. From the adjacency tree, ITS sequence had multiple intra-species copies, and the result of clustering analysis was not stable. The nLSU sequence could separate them. Conclusion It is suggested that nLSU sequence should be used as the main identification sequence and ITS sequence as the auxiliary sequence.
英文标题:DNA barcode sequences analysis of 6 kinds of Amanita species from Yunnan province
任翔 云南省疾病预防控制中心
杨菁 云南省疾病预防控制中心
邹颜秋硕 云南省疾病预防控制中心
杨祖顺 云南省疾病预防控制中心
英文关键词:internal transcribed spacer,nuclear large–subunit ribosomal,Amanita,phylogenetic,species identification,
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