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[生物] 广州白云机场口岸进境水产品质量安全调查和分析

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admin 发表于 2025-2-9 23:00 | 查看全部 阅读模式

目的  分析广州白云机场口岸在2015~2018年进境水产品质量安全情况。方法  通过对经广州白云机场口岸进境的鱼类、甲壳类、双贝类、腹足类和爬行类动物共13537批次样品中兽药残留、重金属污染物、微生物、疫病和寄生虫的多指标检测获取质量评价数据, 进而针对检测结果进行综合分析。结果  统计检测数据显示, 2015~2018年共检出进境水产品不合格批次为585批, 不合格率为4.3%。逐年检出进境水产品不合格率分别为8.3%、6.1%、3.2%、2.1%, 不合格率明显降低, 说明进境水产品质量总体呈变好趋势。重金属含量超标270批次, 占不合格样品量的46.2%, 可见重金属污染是影响进口水产品质量的重要因素。在所有监控的水产品种类中甲壳类样品不合格率最高, 其中蟹的不合格率达48.9%。甲壳类水产品中重金属污染程度最大, 但甲壳类水产品是否对重金属富集作用更强需要更多的数据支持。另外, 水产品进口区域对产品的质量也有一定的影响。来自东南亚的水产品检出不合格率较高, 检出不合格蟹的进口产地分布较广, 针对环境污染较严重的区域水产品质量应重点关注。结论  对进口水产品实施动态监测并对重点进口区域的重点水产品进行重点目标的检测, 有利于提高进口水产品质量。通过对进口水产品安全调查和分析为进口水产品质量把关提供数据支持。通过给出食用性评价为消费者食用水产品安全给出有力保障。精准评估我国目前进口水产品的质量安全形势以期为促进水产品贸易和提升国内水产品安全监管水平提供重要参考。

Objective  To analyze the quality and safety of imported aquatic products in Guangzhou Baiyun Airport Port from 2015 to 2018. Methods  The data of quality evaluation were obtained by multi-index detection of veterinary drug residues, heavy metal contaminants, microorganisms, epidemics and parasites from 13537 batches of fish, crustaceans, bivalves, gastropods and reptiles imported through Guangzhou Baiyun Airport. Then comprehensive analysis was been done according the results of the test. Results  The statistical test data showed that 585 batches of imported aquatic products were found to be unqualified, and the unqualified rate was 4.3% from 2015 to 2018. The unqualified rate of imported aquatic products was 8.3%, 6.1%, 3.2% and 2.1% year by year, respectively. The unqualified rate was significantly reduced, which indicated that the quality of imported aquatic products was generally improving. Heavy metal content of 270 batch exceeded the standard, accounting for 46.2% of the unqualified samples. It was obvious that heavy metal pollution was an important factor affecting the quality of imported aquatic products. Among all the monitored aquatic products, crustacean samples had the highest unqualified rate, among which crab samples had the unqualified rate of 48.9%, and crustacean aquatic products had the greatest degree of heavy metal pollution. Whether crustacean aquatic products could enrich heavy metals needed more data support. In addition, the import area of aquatic products also had a certain impact on the quality of products. The unqualified rate of aquatic products from Southeast Asia was higher. The unqualified crab imports were widely distributed. The quality of aquatic products in regions with serious environmental pollution should be paid more attention to. Conclusion  Dynamic monitoring of imported aquatic products and detection of key aquatic products in key import areas are conducive to improving the quality of imported aquatic products. Data support for quality control of imported aquatic products is provided through investigation and analysis of imported aquatic products safety. The evaluation of edibility provides a strong guarantee for the safety of consumer’s edible. Accurate assessment of the quality and safety situation of imported aquatic products in China provides important reference for the promotion of aquatic products trade and the improvement of domestic aquatic products safety supervision level.

英文标题:Investigation and analysis of quality and safety of imported aquatic products from Guangzhou Baiyun airport Port

赵尚志 广州白云机场海关,国家水产品检测重点实验室
关剑锋 广州白云机场海关,国家水产品检测重点实验室
赵勇 广州白云机场海关,国家水产品检测重点实验室
蒋东丰 广州白云机场海关,国家水产品检测重点实验室
柏建山 广州白云机场海关,国家水产品检测重点实验室

英文关键词:quality of aquatic products,safety survey,analysis,

2025-2-4 21:15 上传
648.24 KB
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