树莓作为营养丰富具有多种保健功能和加工前景的水果, 具有很高的经济价值, 但在生长过程及采后环节容易遭受病虫害的侵染, 特别是在重庆的高温高湿环境中。为提高重庆地区引种树莓的产量和品质, 本文首先分析了栽培环节树莓植株和果实的常见病虫害, 发现主要侵染病害是根腐病、茎腐病、果腐病、茎枯病、白粉病、树莓黏菌病, 主要虫害包括柳蝙蝠蛾、树莓穿孔蛾、树莓蛀甲虫、叶螨、金龟子、果蝇等; 根据病虫害及其发生规律, 总结了一套病虫害防治措施。其次, 分析了树莓果实采后常见的致病菌及其新发现的致病菌, 主要侵染菌为灰葡萄孢, 桃吉尔霉在采后贮藏期间的树莓果实上尚是首次报道, 提出了采前和采后综合处理控制采后果实病害的技术手段
As a fruit with rich nutrition, various health care functions and processing prospects, raspberry has high economic value, but it is prone to be infected by diseases and pests during the growth process and after harvest, especially in the high temperature and humidity environment in Chongqing. In order to improve the yield and quality of raspberries, this paper analyzed the common pests and diseases in raspberry plant and postharvest fruit, the main disease included Phytophthora fragariae, Didymella applanata, Fusarium prolifertum Nirenberg, Elsinoe veneta, Sphaerulina rub, Didymella applanata, and Fuligo cinerea Morgan, and the common pests including Hepialidae, Raspberry moth, Raspberry boring beetle, Tetranychid, Scarabs, Drosophila suzukii. According to the kinds of pests and diseases, this review summarized a set of control measures to provide a guarantee of high yield and quality, and analyzed the common and new findings of pathogens in postharvest raspberry fruit. The main pathogen was Botrytis cinerea Pers. and Gilbertella persicaria was first reported in raspberry fruit. At last, this article provided preharvest and postharvest technologies for controlling fruit disease occurrence, in order to provide instructions for obtaining high quality and quantity of raspberry fruit.
英文标题:Research progress on common diseases and pests of brambles and fruits introduced in chongqing and their control
刘亚敏 西南大学资源环境学院
邓远苇 西南大学资源环境学院
夏钦 重庆市北碚应急管理局
傅茂润 齐鲁工业大学(山东省科学院)食品科学与工程学院
侯明果 重庆市永川国有林场
蒲廷松 重庆市荣昌林业局
英文关键词:raspberry,fruit,pest and diseases,prevention and control technology,
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