目的 分析2018年我国水果的食品安全形势。方法 汇总2018年水果国家食品安全监督抽检结果, 对其不合格项目等信息进行分析。结果 2018年共抽检水果1549批次, 检出不合格样品39批次, 总体合格率为97.5%。葡萄、西瓜、草莓均未检出不合格样品, 苹果、梨、桃、鲜枣各检出1批次不合格, 但柑橘类水果的问题比较严重, 合格率仅为79.4%, 不合格原因主要是丙溴磷、三唑磷等农药残留超标。与一季度相比, 二季度和三季度柑橘类水果的合格率略有升高。结论 柑橘类水果的合格率偏低, 违规使用丙溴磷、三唑磷等农药是最主要的食品安全问题。
Objective To analyze the safety situation of fruit in 2018 in China. Methods The results of the 2018 fruit national food safety supervision sampling inspection were summarized, and the unqualified items and other information were analyzed. Results In 2018, a total of 1549 batches of fruit were sampled, and 39 batches of unqualified samples were detected, with an overall qualified rate of 97.5%. Grape, watermelon and strawberry were not found unqualified samples. Apple, pear, peach, fresh dates each detected a batch of unqualified, but citrus fruit problems were serious, the qualified rate was only 79.4%, and the main reason for the unqualified was propionate, triazophos and other pesticide residues exceeded the standard. Compared with the first quarter, the citrus fruit qualification rate increased slightly in the second and third quarters. Conclusion The qualified rate of citrus fruits is low, and the illegal use of propionate, triazophos and other pesticides is the main food safety problem.
英文标题:Analysis of sampling inspection results of fruit national food safety supervision in 2018
吕冰峰 中国食品药品检定研究院
刘敏 中国食品药品检定研究院
裴新荣 中国食品药品检定研究院
英文关键词:fruit,supervision and sampling inspection,pesticide,profenofos,citrus fruit,