目的 了解广东省蔬菜的安全风险状况, 制定农药残留风险清单, 以期给监管人员提供指向性建议, 提高食品安全监管水平。方法 于2018年8~11月在广东省21个地市的农贸市场针对性抽检蔬菜风险品种191批次, 采用国家标准方法检测蔬菜中的9种农药残留的含量, 根据GB 2763-2016《食品安全国家标准 食品中农药最大残留限量》规定的限量值进行判定。结果 广东省农贸市场蔬菜总体合格率为91.1%, 有4种农药残留项目超标, 风险因子主要为毒死蜱、克百威、水胺硫磷、甲氰菊酯。有机磷、拟除虫菊酯类、氨基甲酸酯类农药污染较为严重; 叶菜类、鳞茎类、豆类、芸薹属类蔬菜均检出农药超标。结论 构建农药残留风险清单, 重点抽查风险品种并对其风险因子监测模式是可行的, 可有效提高监管的针对性, 若配合快检产品的使用, 监管的靶向性更强。
Objective To understand the safety risks of vegetables in Guangdong province, and develop a list of pesticide residue risks, with a view to providing directives to supervisors to improve food safety supervision. Methods From August to November 2018, 191 batches of key vegetable samples were selected from agricultural market in 21 cities from Guangdong province. According to the requirements of national standard method, 9 kinds of pesticide residues in vegetables were detected, judging according to the limit value specified in GB 2763-2016 National Food Safety Standard-Maximum Residues of Pesticides in Foods. Results The overall qualified rate of vegetables in the farmer's market in Guangdong province was 91.1%. There were 4 kinds of pesticide residues exceeding the standard. The risk factors were mainly chlorpyrifos, carbofuran, acesulfame, and fenpropathrin. The pollution of organophosphorus, pyrethroids and carbamate pesticides were serious. Leafy vegetables, bulbs, beans, and genus vegetables were all detected excessive pesticides. Conclusion It is feasible to construct a list of pesticide residue risks, focus on the risk varieties and monitor the risk factor monitoring mode, and effectively improve the pertinence of the supervision. If the rapid inspection products is used, the supervision is more targeted.
英文标题:Research on risk residual list of pesticides in farmers' markets of Guangdong province
邓皇翼 广东省食品检验所
申超群 广东省食品检验所
刘海虹 广东省食品检验所
蔡若纯 广东省食品检验所
钟海鹰 广东省食品检验所
雷毅 广东省食品检验所
英文关键词:farmer's market,pesticide residue,risk assessment,targeted sampling,
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