随着自媒体在我国的快速发展, 大量的网络信息不断地冲击着人们的认知。面对互联网上很多良莠不齐的信息, 大部分人无法辨别其真伪, 更难以用理性的思维去探究其背后的含义, 这为网络中的食品安全谣言问题提供了巨大的可能性。本文主要分析了自媒体环境下食品安全网络谣言的现象及其对食品企业、行业, 社会, 政府的影响, 并在此基础上提出了企业自觉生产, 行业积极自净, 政府创新治理, 消费者理性传谣等相应的治理对策, 以期营造一个积极向上的食品消费环境。
With the rapid development of we-media in China, a large amount of network information constantly impacts people's cognition. Faced with a lot of good and bad information online, most people cannot identify its authenticity, and it is even more difficult to use rational thinking to explore the meaning behind it, which provides a huge possibility for the problems of food safety rumors online. This paper mainly analyzed the phenomenon of food safety network rumor and its influence on food enterprises, industry, society and government under the environment of we-media, and put forward the corresponding countermeasures such as conscious production of enterprises, active self-cleaning of industry, innovative governance of government, rational rumors of consumers, etc. on this basis, in order to create a positive food consumption environment.
英文标题:Effects and governance strategy of the food safety network rumors under the we-media circumstances
贾栋丽 陕西师范大学,食品工程与营养科学学院
张清安 陕西师范大学,食品工程与营养科学学院
英文关键词:we-media,food safety,rumors,effect,countermeasures,
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