缅甸积极参与“一带一路”, 并与我国签署了“一带一路”合作谅解备忘录, 2019年前4个月中缅贸易额已达37亿美元。中缅食品贸易互补性强, 中缅边境食品贸易关系密切, 贸易合作尚存巨大潜力。缅甸重视并建立了适合缅甸国情的食品安全监管体系。本研究分析了缅甸食品安全监管机构和职责、法律法规、标准体系、食品监管、贸易信息等, 介绍缅甸食品安全监管的经验和做法, 为政府部门和社会各界了解缅甸食品安全监管体系提供参考。
Myanmar has actively participated in “One Belt, One Road” and signed a memorandum of understanding on “One Belt, One Road” cooperation with China. The trade volume between China and Myanmar reached 13.5 billion U.S. dollars in the first four months of 2019. The food trade between China and Myanmar is highly complementary, and the border food trade between China and Myanmar is close, with huge potential for trade cooperation. Myanmar attaches importance to and has established a food safety supervision system suitable for Myanmar's national conditions. This paper analyzed Myanmar food safety regulatory agencies and responsibilities, laws and regulations, standards system, food supervision, trade information, etc., summarized the experience and practices of food safety supervision in Myanmar, and provided reference for government departments and the community to understand Myanmar's food safety supervision system.
英文标题:Analysis of the Myanmar food security supervision and administration system
边红彪 国家市场监督管理总局;中国标准化研究院
英文关键词:Myanmar,food supervision,law,standard system,analysis,
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