干海参主要分为淡干海参和盐干海参, 近几年一些不法商贩在制作干海参的过程中为了达到塑形、增重等目的, 添加成分不明的糖类物质制成一种掺糖干海参(糖干海参), 这些糖干海参经食用后会对人体造成一定的危害。为有效打击干海参的掺糖行为, 保障产品质量, 国家颁布干海参相关标准, 其中SC/T 3206-2009《干海参》设立了水溶性还原糖的限量和检验依据, GB 31602-2015《食品安全国家标准 干海参》设立了水溶性总糖的检验依据。本研究总结了涉及到糖类的相关标准, 在介绍食品中糖类检测方法的基础上, 阐述了干海参外源性糖类检测方法, 为企业和检测部门正确选择和运用提供参考。
Dried sea cucumbers are mainly divided into light dried sea cucumbers and dried salt sea cucumbers. In recent years, some unscrupulous traders have added unidentified sugar substances to make sugar-doped dried sea cucumbers in order to achieve shaping and weight gain in the process of making dried sea cucumbers (sugar dried sea cucumber), these sugar dried sea cucumbers will cause certain harm to the human body after consumption. In order to effectively combat the sugar-inducing behavior of dried sea cucumbers and ensure the quality of products, the state has issued standards for dried sea cucumbers. Among them, SC/T 3206-2009 Dry sea cucumber set the limit and test basis for water-soluble reducing sugar, and GB 31602-2015 National food safety standard-Dry sea cucumber set the test basis for water-soluble total sugar. This study summarized the relevant standards related to sugar. On the basis of introducing the sugar detection method in food, the method of detecting the exogenous sugar of dried sea cucumber was expounded, which provides references for the correct selection and application of enterprises and testing departments.
英文标题:Research status of standard methods for determination of exogenous sugars in dried sea cucumber
泮秋立 山东省食品药品检验研究院
车明秀 山东省食品药品检验研究院
李思龙 山东省食品药品检验研究院
胡明燕 山东省食品药品检验研究院
王骏 山东省食品药品检验研究院
英文关键词:dried sea cucumber,sugar blending,exogenous sugar,detection method,
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