目的 通过对西安市猕猴桃进行系统的农药残留情况及膳食暴露风险分析, 明确猕猴桃农药残留风险状况。方法 对2018年西安市周至县14个猕猴桃主产乡镇共200批次样品进行农药残留定量检测分析, 用每日允许摄入量和急性参考剂量进行慢性膳食摄入风险评估和急性膳食摄入风险评估, 利用猕猴桃大份餐、每日允许摄入量和人均参考体重计算最大残留限量估计值。并参照兽药残留风险排序矩阵方法(英国兽药残留委员会)对农药和样品进行风险排序。结果 200个猕猴桃样品中有137个样品检出了农药残留, 未有超标农药和禁用农药检出; 在检出的14种农药中, 慢性膳食摄入风险和急性膳食摄入风险均值远远小于100%; 将14种检出农药按照风险得分分为Ⅲ类, 第Ⅰ类为高等风险农药, 共1种; 第Ⅱ类为中等风险农药, 共0种; 第Ⅲ类为低等风险农药, 共有13种; 以风险指数排序, 低风险样品占35.5%, 极低风险样品占64.5%, 检出农药残留种类为3个以上的样品有占比5.5%, 检出农药残留种类为1~2个的样品占比61.5%, 未检出农药残留有66个样品, 占比33%。结论 西安市周至县猕猴桃农药残留处于低风险状态, 但仍然要加强日常监管工作。
Objective To determine the risk of pesticide residues in kiwifruit by systematically analyzing pesticide residues and dietary exposure risks of kiwifruit in Xi'an city. Methods A total of 200 batches of 14 kiwifruit main producing towns in Zhouzhi county of Xi'an city in 2018, were tested for pesticide residue quantitative analysis. The acceptable daily intake and acute reference dose were used for risk assessment of chronic dietary intake and acute dietary intake risk assessment. Maximum residue limit estimates were calculated by using kiwi large meals, acceptable daily intake and per capita reference weight. The risk sequencing of pesticides and samples was carried out according to the veterinary drug residue risk sequencing matrix method (UK Veterinary Drug Residue Committee). Results Among 137 samples of 200 kiwifruit samples, pesticide residues were detected, and no over-standard pesticides and banned pesticides were detected. Among the 14 pesticides detected, the average risk of chronic dietary intake and acute dietary intake was much less than 100%. Totally 14 kinds of detected pesticides were classified into III classes according to risk scores, Class I was a higher risk pesticide (1 species), Class II was a medium risk pesticide (0 species), and Class III was a lower risk pesticide (13 species). According to the risk index, low-risk samples accounted for 35.5% and extremely low-risk samples accounted for 64.5%; samples with more than 3 pesticide residues detected accounted for 5.5%, samples with 1-2 pesticide residues detected accounted for 61.5%, and there were 66 samples with no pesticide residues detected, accounting for 33%. Conclusion The pesticide residues of kiwifruit in zhouzhi county of Xi'an city are in a low-risk state, but daily supervision should still be strengthened.
英文标题:Risk assessment of pesticide residues in the main producing areas of kiwifruit in Xi'an
刘君 西安市农产品质量安全检验监测中心
任晓姣 西安市农产品质量安全检验监测中心
张水鸥 西安市农产品质量安全检验监测中心
杨雍 西安市农产品质量安全检验监测中心
英文关键词:Kiwifruit,Pesticide residues,risk assessment,Maximum residue limit,
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