目的 研究在测定蔬菜中农药残留时绝对基质效应与农药浓度之间的关系及因基质效应引起的检测结果的偏差的修正方法。方法 以萝卜为实验材料, 用带有火焰光度检测器的气相色谱仪测定了敌敌畏等14种农药的绝对基质效应, 以绝对基质效应为纵轴、以农药浓度为横轴对绝对基质效应和农药浓度进行线性拟合。结果 所测定的农药绝对基质效应和农药浓度之间存在一定的相关性, 按照三唑磷、杀螟硫磷、敌敌畏、氧化乐果、久效磷、乙酰甲胺磷、水胺硫磷、甲胺磷、磷胺、乐果、毒死蜱、甲拌磷、对硫磷、甲基对硫磷的顺序, 绝对基质效应和农药浓度之间的相关性逐渐降低。结论 绝对基质效应和农药浓度相关性越强的农药其检测结果因基质效应引起的偏差越大, 采用绝对基质效应对其进行修正, 修正后的结果更接近于真实值, 减小了样品基质效应引起的偏差, 提高了检测结果的准确性。
Objective To investigate the relationship between absolute matrix effect and pesticide concentration in vegetable pesticide residue determination and the correction method of the deviation of the results due to matrix effect. Methods The absolute matrix effects of 14 kinds of pesticides were determined by gas chromatography- flame photometric detector (FPD) using radish as experimental material. The linear fitting of absolute matrix effect and pesticide concentration was carried out with absolute matrix effect as longitudinal axis and pesticide concentration as transverse axis. Results There was a correlation between the absolute matrix effect of the pesticide measured and the concentration of the pesticide. In the order of triazophos, parathion, dichlorvos, doxephos, oxidative fruit, monocrotophos, acetylmethamidophos, haliphos-methyl, methamidophos, phosphophos, trimethylamphate, chlorpyrifoxide, phylphos-methyl, the correlation between absolute matrix effect and pesticide concentration gradually decreased. Conclusion The greater the correlation between absolute matrix effect and pesticide concentration, the greater the deviation of the detection results due to matrix effect. The corrected results are closer to the true value by using absolute matrix effect to correct, which can reduce the deviation caused by the sample matrix effect, and improve the accuracy of the test results.
英文标题:Correction method of deviation of detection results due to matrix effect in determination of pesticide residues by gas chromatography
罗俊霞 郑州市农产品质量检测流通中心
赵建波 郑州市园艺工作站
英文关键词:absolute matrix effect,pesticide concentration,relevance,deviations,amendments,accuracy,
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