目的 建立麻哈鱼掺假感官识别方法及DNA序列储备库, 并提出掺假行为在制度上的防范措施和建议。方法 制作麻哈鱼简略检索表, 对麻哈鱼整条鱼进行形态对比, 并对常见麻哈鱼产品进行感官对比。同时按照设定的对应引物和检测方法, 列出主要麻哈鱼DNA序列, 针对可能发生掺杂施假的麻哈鱼实施DNA检测, 可以将得到的序列与建立的基因库序列进行比对。结果 感官鉴定并不能单独准确判定麻哈鱼是否掺假, 需要结合DNA检测方法, 实现快速鉴定。结论 该方法可以快速对麻哈鱼进行感官及DNA掺假鉴定, 为麻哈鱼检验提供理论依据, 促进麻哈鱼加工业的健康发展。
Objective To establish a method for adulteration identification of salmon and establish the DNA sequence reserve database, and raise the preventive measures and suggestions on adulterated behavior. Methods The brief identification key of salmon was made. The features and different stages of common salmons were compared, and common salmon products were sensory compared. Meanwhile according to the corresponding primers and detection method, the DNA sequence reserve database was established. Aiming at possibly adulteration of salmons, the DNA determination was implemented, and the sequence obtained and the sequence in gene pool was compared. Results Sensory identification could not be used to determine whether salmon was adulterated or not. It was necessary to combine DNA detection method to realize rapid identification. Conclusion This method can quickly identify the sensory and DNA adulteration of salmon, provide theoretical basis for the inspection of salmon, and promote the healthy development of salmon processing industry.
英文标题:Adulteration identification of salmon and institutional preventive measures and suggestions
何晓霞 青岛出入境检验检疫局
许艳丽 山东出入境检验检疫局检验检疫技术中心
徐颖 青岛出入境检验检疫局
孟晓青 山东出入境检验检疫局
焦宏强 山东出入境检验检疫局
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