目的 研究金刚烷胺在菊花江蓠体内的生物富集和消除规律。方法 采用半静态水质接触染毒法使金刚烷胺在菊花江蓠体内的富集和消除, 采用超高效液相色谱-串联质谱法(ultra performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry, UPLC-MS/MS)测定菊花江蓠体内的金刚烷胺。结果 在5.00、25.00、100.00 μg/L 3个曝污质量浓度下, 金刚烷胺在菊花江蓠体内的富集速率较快, 随着曝污浓度的增加, 富集量也相应增加, 成正相关关系; 并在富集实验的第5 d、4 d和4 d达到最大值, 分别为2056.87、5619.40、22852.96 μg/kg。然后开始消除实验, 至第54 d, 菊花江蓠体内金刚烷胺残留量分别为169.47、428.17、568.29 μg/kg, 仅为最大残留量的8.14%、7.62%、2.49%。结论 在3个曝污质量浓度下, 最大富集系数分别为411.37、227.48和228.53; 至实验结束, 金刚烷胺在实验结束时均未完全消除, 在菊花江蓠体内仍有残留。
Objective To investigate the regularity of accumulation and elimination of amantadine in Gracilaria lichenoides. Methods The semi-static water contact method was used to enrich and eliminate amantadine in Gracilaria lichenoides. The content of amantadine in Gracilaria lichenoides was determinated by ultra performance liquid chromatogram tandem mass spectrometry. Results At 3 pollution mass concentration (5.00, 25.00, 100.00 μg/L), the amantadine accumulated rapidly in Gracilaria lichenoides. With the increace of the pollution concentration, the accumulation also increased, and they had positive correlation. The highest content (Cmax) enriched was 2056.87, 5619.40, 22852.96 μg/kg of the 3 concentrations when placed for 5, 4, 4 d. In the removal experiments, on the 54th day, the amantadine residues in Gracilaria lichenoides were 169.47, 428.17, 568.29 μg/kg, respectively, Only 8.14%, 7.62% and 2.49% of the maximum residues were left. Conclusion At the 3 aeration mass concentrations, the biggest bioconcentration factors (BCFs) were 411.37, 227.48, 228.53, respectively. At the end of the experiment, amantadine was not completely eliminate, and some amantadine still remain in the Gracilaria lichenoides.
英文标题:Rules of accumulation and elimination of amantadine residue in Gracilaria lichenoides
郑伟云 烟台大学生命科学学院;山东省海洋资源与环境研究院
孙利芹 烟台大学生命科学学院
田秀慧 山东省海洋资源与环境研究院
徐英江 山东省海洋资源与环境研究院
英文关键词:amantadine,Gracilaria lichenoides,accumulation,elimination,ultra performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry,
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