毛蕊花苷的稳定性、吸收特性和生物利用度 研究进展
毛蕊花苷作为自然界双子叶植物中具有丰富生理活性且普遍存在的重要苯乙醇苷类物质之一, 受到研究者广泛关注。毛蕊花苷具有众多的中文名称和英文名称, 为规范研究者的使用, 本文首先对其诸多的名称一一进行了分析, 建议依据首次从毛蕊花植物中发现将该物质命名为毛蕊花苷(对应英文名verbascoside)最为合理。然后本文阐述了毛蕊花苷的稳定性, 其含量在原料处理、存在于中性和碱性环境、加热、模拟消化等过程中均会发生变化, 原因可能与其结构中的酯键和糖苷键发生断裂有关, 具体变化机理有待深入研究。最后, 对不同实验模型下观测到的毛蕊花苷的吸收特性和生物利用度进行了总结, 并联系其稳定性探讨其生理活性的可能影响因素, 以期为全面深入研究开发毛蕊花苷这一天然活性物质提供一定理论基础。
As one of the ubiquitous important phenylethanoid glycosides among dicotyledonous plants which has varied physiological activity, verbascosideis widespread concerned by researchers. Firstly, all its Chinese names and English names are discussed to regulate the use of its name in subsequent researches. It was suggested for its first report found from the Verbascum plants that the material named verbascoside (corresponding English name verbascoside) is the most reasonable. Then the stability of verbascoside was described in this paper. Its content will change during raw material processing, existing in neutral and alkaline environment, heating, and simulated digestion process. The reason may be related to the cleavage of the ester bond and glycosidic bond in the molecular structure of verbascoside, but specific mechanism needs further research. Finally, the absorption characteristics and the bioavailability of verbascoside observed with different experimental models are summarized, while the possible factors affecting its physiological activity are discussed in relation to its stability, in order to provide certain theoretical basis for deeply study and develop this natural active substance.
标题:毛蕊花苷的稳定性、吸收特性和生物利用度 研究进展
英文标题:Research progress of stability, absorption characteristics and bioavailability of verbascoside
万茵 南昌大学
英文关键词:verbascoside,discovered and naminghistory,stability,absorption property,bioavailability,
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