目的 以云南墨江特色野生蔬菜紫五加为研究材料, 分析评价紫五加嫩茎叶及其超微粉的主要营养成分。方法 根据食品安全国家标准的要求, 通过氨基酸自动分析仪分析、凯氏定氮法、化学滴定法等方法检测紫五加嫩茎叶及其超微粉的一般营养成分、矿物质及氨基酸含量, 并与白菜、芹菜、菠菜、蕨菜、鱼腥草、香椿等蔬菜进行比较分析, 评价紫五加的营养价值及开发前景。结果 紫五加的水分含量为87.9%, 粗蛋白含量为2.74%, 灰分含量为1.2%, 粗纤维含量为2.21%, 维生素C含量为16 mg/100 g, 说明紫五加富含蛋白质、粗纤维和维生素C。紫五加的氨基酸组成均衡, 必需氨基酸占氨基酸总量的41.0%, 必需氨基酸与非必需氨基酸的比值为0.69, 鲜味氨基酸占总氨基酸含量的28.96%, 天冬氨酸、谷氨酸这类鲜味氨基酸的含量相对较高。紫五加富含各种矿物质, 如钾、钙、镁、铁、锌、铜、锰, 尤其是钾、钙和镁, 含量均高于大白菜、芹菜等一般蔬菜和蕨菜、鱼腥草。结论 紫五加是一种口感鲜美、高蛋白、高纤维, 富含维生素C和各种矿物质的野生蔬菜, 具有较高的营养价值和良好的开发前景。
Objective To analyze the content of main nutritional components of the fresh leaf and powder of the Purple Acanthopanax senticosus, using the Purple Acanthopanax senticosus of Yunnan Mojiang as the research material. Methods According to the national standards for food safety, the content of general nutrients, minerals and amino acids in the Purple Acanthopanax senticosus were analyzed by amino acid analyzer, Kjeldahl method and chemical titration, and were compared with those in Chinese cabbage, celery, spinach, fern, Houttuynia, toon and other vegetables. The nutritional value and the prospect of development of the Purple Acanthopanax senticosus were evaluated. Results The moisture content of the Purple Acanthopanax senticosus was 87.9%, the crude protein content was 2.74%, the ash content was 1.2%, the crude fiber content was 2.21%, and the vitamin C content was 16 mg/100 g. The proportion of amino acids in the Purple Acanthopanax senticosus was appropriate and well-balanced. Essential amino acids accounted for 41.0% of the total amount of amino acids. The ratio of essential amino acids to non essential amino acids was 0.69, the delicious amino acids accounted for 28.96% of total amino acids. Mineral elements were rich in the Purple Acanthopanax senticosus, such as K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, Cu and Mn. Moreover, the content of K, Ca and Mg were higher than those in Chinese cabbage, celery, fern, Houttuynia and so on. Conclusion The Purple Acanthopanax senticosus is a kind of safe and healthy wild vegetable containing high content of dietary fibers, proteins, vitamin C and minerals, which has high nutritional value and good developmental prospective.
英文标题:Analysis and quality evaluation of nutritional components in the Purple Acanthopanax senticosus
管颖 昆明医科大学营养与食品研究所,云南省高校营养与食品安全重点实验室
郭艳东 昆明医科大学营养与食品研究所,云南省高校营养与食品安全重点实验室
陈果 昆明医科大学营养与食品研究所,云南省高校营养与食品安全重点实验室
吴志霜 昆明医科大学营养与食品研究所,云南省高校营养与食品安全重点实验室
殷建忠 昆明医科大学营养与食品研究所,云南省高校营养与食品安全重点实验室
英文关键词:the Purple Acanthopanax senticosus,nutritional components,evaluation of nutrition,
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