目的 对江西省各地市售婴幼儿配方谷粉中镉的污染情况进行调查研究, 分析原因并提出控制措施。方法 采用GB 5009.15-2014石墨炉原子吸收法, 对江西省食品检验检测研究院2018年受检的299份婴幼儿配方谷粉进行镉含量检测, 检测结果依据卫健委发布的婴幼儿谷物辅助食品镉临时限量值≤0.06 mg/kg进行评价。结果 299份样本中超出国家临时限量值的有78份, 总超标率26.1%, 公告发布前后镉超标率分别占37.1%和2.13%。结论 公告发布后江西省市售婴幼儿配方谷粉中镉含量总体趋势向好, 但仍应加强市场监管, 严格控制不合格食品流入市场, 确保婴幼儿饮食安全。
Objective To investigate the pollution of cadmium in cereal powders from infants and young children in all parts in Jiangxi Province, and analyze the causes and propose control measures. Methods The cadmium content in 299 cereal supplementary foods of infants in Jiangxi province in 2018 were determined by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry according to GB/T 5009.15-2014. The results were evaluated according to the provisional limit of cadmium in cereal supplementary foods of infants issued by the Health and Health Commission (< 0.06 mg/kg). Results Among the 299 samples, 78 exceeded the national temporary limit, and the total over-standard rate was 26.1%. The cadmium exceeding the standard rate before and after the announcement was 37.1% and 2.13%, respectively. Conclusion After the announcement, the overall trend of cadmium content in the market for infant formula in Jiangxi province is good, but market supervision should be strengthened, and unqualified food should be strictly controlled to enter the market to ensure the safety of infants and young children.
英文标题:Pollution status and countermeasures analysis of cadmium in infant formula of Jiangxi province
杨梅 江西省食品检验检测研究院
邹敏 江西省食品检验检测研究院
刘花梅 江西省食品检验检测研究院
戴瑞平 江西省食品检验检测研究院
杜裕芳 江西省食品检验检测研究院
英文关键词:infant formula farina,cadmium,pollution status,control measures,
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