目的 建立固相萃取-高效液相色谱法同时测定食品中7种合成着色剂(柠檬黄、日落黄、苋菜红、胭脂红、新红、赤藓红和亮蓝)的含量。方法 使用Welchrom? PA聚酰胺固相萃取小柱和Welchrom? P-WAX弱阴离子交换固相萃取小柱对多种食品基质进行净化、浓缩, 并采用Ultimate? XB-C18(250 mm×4.6 mm, 5 μm)色谱柱以甲醇-0.02 mol/L乙酸铵为流动相进行梯度洗脱, 于254 nm波长下测定。结果 Welchrom? PA聚酰胺小柱和Welchrom? P-WAX弱阴离子交换固相萃取小柱分别对固体和液体样品中杂质的去除效果好、回收率高。7种合成着色剂在浓度为0.5~50 μg/mL的范围内线性关系良好(r2>0.9995), 回收率为84.7%~105.8%, 检出限为0.2~0.5 mg/kg。结论 该方法简便、灵敏度高、准确性好, 适用于食品中7种合成着色剂的定量分析。
Objective To establish a method for the simultaneous determination of 7 kinds of synthetic colorants (lemon yellow, sunset yellow, amaranth, carmine, new red, red oak and bright blue) by solid phase extraction-high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Methods Welchrom? PA polyamide solid-phase extraction column and Welchrom? P-WAX weak anion exchange solid-phase extraction column were used to purify and concentrate a variety of food matrix. The samples were separated with a Ultimate? XB-C18 colum (250 mm×4.6 mm, 5 μm) by gradient elution using methanol and 0.02 mol/L ammonium acetate as mobile phase, and detected at 254 nm wavelength. Results Welchrom? PA polyamide solid-phase extraction column and Welchrom? P-WAX weak anion exchange solid-phase extraction column had good removal of impurities and high recovery rates in solid and liquid samples, respectively. Seven kinds of synthetic colorants had good linear relations in the range of concentration of 0.5-50 g/mL (r2 >0.9995), the recovery rates were 84.7%-105.8%, and the limits of detection were 0.2-0.5 mg/kg. Conclusion This method is simple, sensitive and accurate, and it is suitable for quantitative analysis of 7 kinds of synthetic colorants in food.
英文标题:Simultaneous determination of 7 kinds of synthetic colorants in food by improved solid-phase extraction and high performance liquid chromatography
薛昆鹏 浙江月旭材料科技有限公司
金雪锋 嘉兴市第一医院湘家荡分院
屠炳芳 浙江月旭材料科技有限公司
任兴发 浙江月旭材料科技有限公司
俞灵钰 浙江月旭材料科技有限公司
叶茜 浙江月旭材料科技有限公司
李良翔 浙江月旭材料科技有限公司
王韶青 浙江月旭材料科技有限公司
英文关键词:high performance liquid chromatography,synthetic colorants,solid-phase extraction,
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