近年, 肉制品掺杂掺假情况频繁发生, 主要掺假方式是在高价肉制品中掺入廉价的肉类原料, 且在商品标签中不注明成分, 严重损害消费者合法权益。本研究针对目前常见的肉制品真伪鉴别方法, 包括基于形态学、代谢学、蛋白质学和基因学这4大类真伪鉴别方法, 分别介绍各个方法的应用及优缺点, 为肉及肉制品真伪鉴别技术研究提供参考。
In recent years, the adulteration of meat products has occurred frequently. The main method of adulteration is to incorporate cheap meat materials into high-priced meat products, and not to indicate the ingredients in the product label, which seriously damages the legitimate rights and interests of consumers. This study aimed at the current common methods of authenticity identification of meat products, including 4 categories of authenticity identification methods based on morphology, metabolism, proteomics and genetics, and respectively introduced the application, advantages and disadvantages of each method, in order to provide reference for the research of authenticity identification technology of meat and meat products.
英文标题:Research progress on authenticity identification technology of meat and meat products
王成程 四川农业大学食品学院
韩国全 四川农业大学食品学院
张琴 成都海关
林华 四川出入境检验检疫局检验检疫技术中心
张婧 四川出入境检验检疫局检验检疫技术中心
安徽 食品安全检测四川省重点实验室
陈世界 四川出入境检验检疫局检验检疫技术中心
英文关键词:detection technology,meat,meat products,authenticity identification,
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