顶空固相微萃取-气相色谱联用质谱法分析 “三味”剁辣椒和原料的挥发性成分
目的 分析不同盐度剁辣椒和辣椒原料中挥发性成分的差别。方法 采用固相微萃取法提取样品中的挥发性成分, 经HP-5 MS毛细管柱(30 m×25 mm, 0.25 μm),程序升温, 流速1.0 mL/min, 柱温40 ℃, 对样品的化学成分进行鉴定。结果 剁辣椒和新鲜辣椒中共鉴定出99种挥发性有机成分, 主要的挥发性成分为醇类和酯类。5%盐度下发酵1个月共检出挥发性风味物质41种, 10%盐度下发酵1个月共检出挥发性风味物质44种, 15%盐度下发酵1个月共检出挥发性风味物质36种, 20%盐度下发酵1个月共检出挥发性风味物质39种, 辣椒原料中共鉴定出39种挥发性有机成分, 主要挥发性成分为醇类和醛类。结论 10%盐度下发酵一个月产生的挥发性成分种类最多, 风味品质突出。剁辣椒与原料辣椒之间挥发性成分有较大的差异。
Objective To analyz the differences of volatile components in different salinity chopped chili, and raw chili. Methods The volatile components in samples were extracted by solid-phase microextraction, separated with HP-5 MS capillary column(30 m×25 mm, 0.25 μm)at the flow rate of 1.0 mL/min by temperature programming, and the temperature of the column oven was maintained at 40 ℃. The chemical composition of the samples was identified. Results Ninety-nine kinds of volatile organic compounds were identified in mainly alcohol and ester. A total of 41, 44, 36, 39 kinds of volatile flavors were detected in the 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% salinity for 1 month,. A total of 39 volatile organic compounds were identified from raw pepper, and the main volatile components were alcohols and aldehydes. Conclusion In 10 % salinity, chopped chili pepper fermented one month can produce most volatile compounds, and the flavor quality is outstanding. There is great difference in volatile components between chopped chili pepper and native chili pepper.
标题:顶空固相微萃取-气相色谱联用质谱法分析 “三味”剁辣椒和原料的挥发性成分
英文标题:Analysis of volatile components of "SanWei" chopped chili and its raw materials by solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
张群 湖南省农业科学院农产品加工研究所
郑井元 湖南省农业科学院蔬菜研究所
郑金玉 湖南省新田县陶岭乡东山家庭农场
刘伟 湖南省农业科学院农产品加工研究所
谭欢 湖南省农业科学院农产品加工研究所
葛可达 湖南大学隆平研究生分院
黄余年 湖南大学隆平研究生分院
英文关键词:chop chili,native chili,volatile components,solid phase microextraction,gas chromatography-mass spectrometry,
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