目的 比较研究瓷坩埚与石英坩埚对火焰原子吸收光谱法检测牛奶中钠元素的影响。方法 将一定量1000 mg/kg钠标准溶液加入到纯牛奶中, 制备成50、60 mg/kg的钠加标样品, 检测其回收率, 同时在相同条件下, 分别在2种坩埚中用火焰原子吸收光谱法检测纯牛奶中钠含量, 通过统计方法分析准确性和精密度, 对比确定2种坩埚的对检测结果的影响。结果 在石英坩埚中检测牛奶中的钠时, 加标回收率符合率比瓷坩埚高25%, 7次重复性实验中其精密度较瓷坩埚高2.82%。结论 石英坩埚检测牛奶中的钠含量的准确性、精密度性能优于瓷坩埚, 但其价格较瓷坩埚要贵, 在检测中可根据实际检测费用和性能做选择。
Objective To study and compare the effect of porcelain crucible and quartz crucible on the determination of sodium in milk by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. Methods A certain amount of 1000 mg/kg sodium standard solution was added to pure milk to prepare 50, 60 mg/kg sodium spiked samples, and the recovery rates were measured. The sodium content in pure milk was detected by flame atoms absorption spectrometry with 2 kinds of crucible under the same conditions . The accuracy and precision were analyzed by statistical methods, for comparing the effects of 2 kinds of crucible on the detection. Results When the sodium in milk was detected in quartz crucible, the compliance rate of recovery rate of the spike was 25% higher than that of porcelain crucible. The precision in the 7 repeatability experiments was 2.82% higher than that of porcelain crucible. Conclusion The quartz crucible has higher accuracy and precision performance than the porcelain crucible, but its price is more expensive than that of the porcelain crucible.The choice can be made according to the actual detection cost and performance in the test.
英文标题:Comparison of determination of sodium in milk by flame atomic absorption spectrometry with porcelain crucible and quartz crucible
段亚军 蒙牛乳业宝鸡有限公司
马海军 蒙牛乳业宝鸡有限公司
王博 蒙牛乳业宝鸡有限公司
周良明 蒙牛乳业宝鸡有限公司
赵军妮 蒙牛乳业宝鸡有限公司
英文关键词:porcelain crucible,quartz crucible,milk,sodium,flame atomic absorption spectrometry,
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