腊肉作为中国饮食文化中的瑰宝, 在肉制品的组成中占有重要的地位。近年来学者们对腊肉的研究大多集中于如何提高其发色效果、抑菌能力、风味增强和氧化稳定性以及各种腌制、熏制等新式工艺设备的研发, 目的在于更好地推进腊肉的工业化和现代化, 提高品质, 促进腊肉经济的发展。发现并解决腊肉存在的问题是提高其品质的必然途径。深入探究腊肉存在的主要问题并研究其应对措施, 对其高品质的形成具有重要意义。本文分析了腊肉存在的亚硝酸盐残留量高、脂肪氧化严重、生产工艺相对落后、食用麻烦以及含有苯并芘等问题, 并综述了其应对措施, 以期为腊肉的加工、贮藏及新品开发提供借鉴。
As a treasure in Chinese food culture, bacon plays an important role in the composition of meat products. In recent years, scholars have focused on how to improve bacon’s color development, antibacterial ability, flavor enhancement and oxidative stability, as well as the development of new process equipment such as pickling and smoking. The purpose is to better promote the industrialization and modernization of bacon, improve quality, and promote the development of bacon economy. In order to improve the quality of bacon, it is mandatory to find the problems in the bacon production process and solve them. The research on finding the problems and the further solutions are the key for the high quality bacon production. This study discussed the high nitrite residue, severe fat oxidation, backward production technique, inconvenience for eating, and benzopyrene containing in the bacon production processes, and summarized the solutions for addressing these issues, in order to benefit the bacon processing, storage and new product development.
英文标题:Problems existing in the bacon industry and countermeasures
陆逢贵 渤海大学食品科学与工程学院
邹玉峰 江苏省肉类生产与加工质量安全控制协同创新中心
刘登勇 渤海大学食品科学与工程学院
英文关键词:bacon,quality,existing problems,countermeasure,
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