近年来, 在各方共同努力下, 我国农产品质量安全保持稳中向好态势, 农产品连续5年监测合格率稳定在96%以上。随着我国社会进入新时代, 消费结构不断升级, 消费者对农业的“养胃”单一物质需求已逐步转向“养眼”、“养肺”、“养生”、“养心”多层次需求, 消费者购物时不仅仅靠感官判断, 更加倾向于选择品牌产品, 即品牌化消费。我国已经开始全面推进质量兴农绿色兴农品牌强农, 农业农村部确定2018年为农业质量年, 并开展农业品牌提升行动, 为实施乡村振兴战略助力。新形势下, 进行农业品牌建设是适应时代潮流之举, 需综合施策, 将我国农业品牌建设好, 推动我国从农业大国转向农业强国, 提高我国农业的国际竞争力。本文从农业品牌建设的背景、现状、存在的问题、必要性进行阐述, 结合实例, 给出我国农业品牌建设的对策措施, 以期为农业企业品牌建设提供思路, 提高企业品牌建设的积极性, 加快推进品牌强农。
In recent years, with the concerted efforts of all parties, the quality and safety of China's agricultural products have remained stable and in a good state. The monitoring qualification rates of agricultural products for 5 consecutive years have stabilized at over 96%. As China’s society entering a new era, the consumption structure continues to escalate. The consumers’ demand of “nourishing the stomach” has gradually shifted to “keeping eyes”, “keeping lungs” and “keeping the heart”. Consumers are not only relying on sensory judgments when shopping, but more inclined to choose brand products, namely branded consumption. China have promoted agriculture through high quality, ecology and brand. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs identified 2018 as the year of agricultural quality and carried out agricultural brand promotion action, to implement rural revitalization strategy. Under the new situation, the construction of agricultural brand is a trend that adapts to the trend of the times. It is necessary to comprehensively implement policies to build China's agricultural brands and promote China's transition from a large agricultural country to a strong agricultural country and improve the international competitiveness of China's agriculture. This paper expounded the background, current situation, existing problems and necessity of agricultural brand building. Combined with examples, it gave countermeasures for agricultural brand building in China, in order to provide ideas for agricultural enterprise brand building, improve the enthusiasm of enterprise brand building, and accelerate the promotion of brand and strength farmers.
英文标题:Thinking on the construction of agricultural brand under the new situation
王芳 北京市农业环境监测站
张乐 北京市农业环境监测站
张云清 北京市农业环境监测站
欧阳喜辉 北京市农业环境监测站
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