英国在食品监督检查方面有着许多良好的方法值得国内的学习和借鉴, 本文通过介绍英国食品监督检查手段和分析实例数据, 总结其监督检查实践经验, 从而提出适合中国食品监管的合理建议。首先, 简述了英国食品安全现行法律法规、相关食品监管部门, 以及食品监管部门的权职划分, 详述了主要监管手段干预(特别是检查工作)的具体内容, 以及基于风险的干预分级和干预频率。然后对英联邦地区近年的实例数据进行了搜集和分析, 其中包括: 2016~2017各类干预工作执行的数量情况; 2014~2017 3个年度检查和采样检验数量的变化情况; 2014~20173个年度食品监管部门为各地区食品企业配备的检查员数量情况。同时, 分析了检查和采样检验数量之间的关系及其对食品安全的影响。最后, 基于英国食品监督检查良好实践, 结合国内食品监管具体情况总结了经验, 并提出了进一步优化食品安全管理的建议。
The experience of British food supervision and inspection is worth learning. In order to learn from its good experience and put forward reasonable suggestion for Chinese food safety management, this paper introduced and studied the British food supervision and inspection methods and instance data. First of all, this paper briefly introduced the food safety competent authorities and the division of responsibilities, as well as the related laws and regulations, elaborated each type of interventions (especially inspection), and also presented the frequency of intervention and classification of intervention in this part. Then, this article collected and analyzed the instance data in British, including: numbers of each type of interventions from 2016 to 2017; numbers of inspection, sampling and analysis from 2014 to 2017; numbers of inspectors for each establishment from 2014 to 2017, and explained the relationship between inspection and sampling, as well as their impact to improving compliance of food establishments. At last, it proposed some suggestions based on good practice of British food supervision and inspection.
英文标题:Study on the good practice of British food supervision and inspection
李强 中国标准化研究院
戴岳 中国标准化研究院
刘鹏 中国标准化研究院
段敏 中国标准化研究院
刘文 中国标准化研究院
英文关键词:Britain,food supervision and inspection,intervention,risk,
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