目的 建立一种石榴皮渣(籽)(pomegranate marcs (seed), PMs)膳食纤维(dietary fiber, DF)的高效改性方法。方法 研究NaOH浓度、液料比、改性温度和改性时间等对PMs中可溶性膳食纤维(soluble dietary fiber, SDF)得率的影响, 在单因素试验的基础上, 利用响应面优化改性条件, 并探讨改性对其组成和性质的影响。 结果 当改性条件为NaOH浓度1.5%, 液料比38.5:1(mL:g), 改性时间45 min, 改性温度45 ℃时, SDF得率达到了73.58%, 并比较分析了化学组成成分。结果 该改性方法速度快、效率高而且污染小, 可以用于改性石榴皮渣(籽)膳食纤维。
Objective To establish an efficient modification method of the dietary fiber (DF) in pomegranate marcs (seed) (PMs). Methods The effects of NaOH concentration, ratio of liquid-solid (RLS), modification time and modification temperature were studied on the yield of soluble dietary fiber (SDF). On the basis of single-factor tests, the modified conditions were optimized by response surface methodology (RSM). And the effects on components and properties of DF after modification were discussed. Results The results showed that optimized conditions were as follows: NaOH concentration was 1.5%, RLS was 38.5:1 (mL:g), modification time was 45 min, and modification temperature was 45 ℃. Under these conditions, the SDF yield reached 73.58%. Meanwhile chemical compositions were compared after modification. Conclusion The modification method is rapid, efficient, and low-polluting. which is suitable for modification of DF in PMs.
英文标题:Alkaline modification of dietary fiber in pomegranate marcs (seed) and analysis of its compositions
杨妍 农业部农产品质量安全收贮运管控重点实验室
郭楠 农业部农产品质量安全收贮运管控重点实验室
哈益明 农业部农产品质量安全收贮运管控重点实验室
段玉权 农业部农产品质量安全收贮运管控重点实验室
丁洋 农业部农产品质量安全收贮运管控重点实验室
陈云堂 河南省科学院同位素研究所有限责任公司
崔龙 河南省科学院同位素研究所有限责任公司
刘芯钥 农业部农产品质量安全收贮运管控重点实验室
侯清华 农业部农产品质量安全收贮运管控重点实验室
马兰雪 农业部农产品质量安全收贮运管控重点实验室
李庆鹏 农业部农产品质量安全收贮运管控重点实验室
英文关键词:pomegranate marcs (seed),dietary fiber,sodium hydroxide,modification,chemical composition,
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