元素分析液相色谱-碳同位素比值质谱法在纯正 苹果汁掺假鉴别中的应用
目的 建立一种鉴别检测苹果汁掺假情况的元素分析/液相色谱-同位素比值质谱法(elemental analysis/liquid chromatography-isotope ratio mass spectrometry, EA/LC-IRMS)。方法 通过对不同产区不同种类118个纯正苹果汁的糖、有机酸、果糖、葡萄糖、二糖、寡糖碳同位素比值(δ13C值)的测定, 建立纯正苹果汁同位素数据库进而提出纯正苹果汁应满足的δ13C值要求。结果 有机酸和糖差值Δδ13CO-S在-1.38‰至1.09 ‰范围内, 果糖和葡萄糖差值Δδ13CF-G在-0.70 ‰至0.57 ‰范围内, 而各组分最大差值Δδ13Cmax<4.36 ‰。对市售105个苹果汁进行检测, 采用本方法检出32个阳性样品, 而采用本实验室的糖浆标志物法仅检出12个阳性样品。结论 本方法大大提高了苹果汁的掺假鉴别, 有很大的实际应用潜力。
Objective To establish a method for adulteration identification of apple juice by elemental analysis/liquid chromatography-isotope ratio mass spectrometry (EA/LC-IRMS). Methods Based on the individual δ13C values of sugar, organic acid, fructose, glucose, disaccharide, oligosaccharide carbon isotope ratios collected for 118 pure apple juices from different producing areas with different varieties, the pure apple juice isotope database was established and the δ13C value limits for the pure apple juice were proposed. Results The δ13C difference between organic acid and sugar (Δδ13CO-S) was -1.38 ‰~1.09 ‰, δ13C difference between fructose and glucose (Δδ13CF-G) was -0.70 ‰~0.57 ‰, and the maximum difference between all δ13C values (Δδ13Cmax) should be less than 4.36 ‰. Under the pure apple juice criteria, LC/EA-IEMS method confirmed 32 positive samples, while the syrup marker method only detected 12 samples among 105 commercial samples. Conclusion The novel developed method represents a significant improvement, which has good potential in practical application .
标题:元素分析液相色谱-碳同位素比值质谱法在纯正 苹果汁掺假鉴别中的应用
英文标题:Application of elemental analysis/liquid chromatography-isotope ratio mass spectrometry in detection of pure apple juice adulteration
谭梦茹 无锡市药品安全检验检测中心
张睿 江苏出入境检验检疫局食品实验室
费晓庆 江苏出入境检验检疫局食品实验室
吴斌 江苏出入境检验检疫局食品实验室
沈崇钰 江苏出入境检验检疫局食品实验室
丁涛 江苏出入境检验检疫局食品实验室
刘芸 江苏出入境检验检疫局食品实验室
英文关键词:elemental analysis,liquid chromatography,isotope ratio mass spectrometry,apple juice adulteration,
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