下一代测序技术是DNA测序的一项革命性创新技术, 其特点是方便快速、高效准确、信息容量大, 可实现物种基因组或转录组的深入研究。现阶段, 食源性致病微生物导致的全球食品安全问题不断发生, 下一代测序技术可在信息缺乏或多种微生物存在的情况下对食源性致病微生物进行检测判定, 可在基因序列的背景下更科学地认识食源性致病菌的遗传特性、代谢能力、致病机制等, 为食源性微生物疾病预防和控制提供重要的依据。本文主要介绍了在第一代测序技术的基础上发展起来的下一代测序技术, 包括第二代测序技术和第三代测序技术的原理、发展历程及优劣势, 着重概述了下一代测序技术在食源性致病菌检测鉴定中的应用, 并展望该技术在食源性致病菌检测应用中的发展趋势。
Next-generation sequencing technology is a revolutionary innovation for DNA sequencing. It is a rapid sequencing technology with high accuracy and friendly interface that can deepen the research level of genome and transcriptome. Foodborne pathogenic microorganism is a serious problem in the global food safety. Deep sequencing can identify the pathogens with little information and complicated constitution. Moreover, according to sequenced gene of foodborne pathogens, we can scientifically know its genetic characteristics, metabolic pathways and pathogenic mechanism, as well as enhance the feasibility to prevent and control of foodborne diseases. In this article, the next generation sequencing technologies, including the second generation and the third generation sequencing technologies, were reviewed respectively based on the sequencing principle, development and the advantages and disadvantages. The practical applications in the detection of foodborne pathogens by using the next-generation sequencing technology were emphasized and the prediction of future development direction of application in foodborne pathogen detection was highlighted as well.
英文标题:Application of next-generation sequencing technology in the study of foodborne pathogens
郭清艳 上海大学生命科学学院,上海出入境检验检疫局
钮冰 上海大学生命科学学院
杨婕琳 上海出入境检验检疫局
英文关键词:foodborne pathogens,deep sequencing,the second generation sequencing technology,the third generation sequencing technology,
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