目的 了解云南省部分地区鸡蛋中兽药及禁用药物残留水平, 为监督执法的提供技术支撑。方法 采集云南省昆明等部分地区超市、农贸市场销售的鸡蛋67份, 按照国家标准方法和《2016年国家食品污染和有害因素风险监测工作手册》对鸡蛋中氯霉素、五氯酚钠、金刚烷胺、利巴韦林、甲硝唑、喹诺酮类抗菌药11项、四环素类抗菌药4项残留检测, 检测结果依据2002年农业部235号公告《动物性食品中兽药最高残留限量》等进行评价。结果 氯霉素、金刚烷胺、五氯酚钠未检出, 利巴韦林检出率1.49(1/67), 甲硝唑检出率为32.84%(22/67), 四环素类检出率为37.31%(25/67), 喹诺酮类检出率为4.48%(3/67)。结论 云南省部分地区鸡蛋中甲硝唑残留情况较严重, 应该引起相关部门重视。
Objective To understand the residues of veterinary drugs and banned drugs in some areas of Yunnan province, in order to provide technical support for supervision and law enforcement. Methods Sixty-seven egg samples were collected in supermarkets and farm product markets in some areas of Yunnan province. According to the national standard method and the Manual for China national food contamination and harmful factors risk monitoring in 2016, the residues of chloramphenicol, amantadine hydrochloride, sodium pentachlorophenate, ribavirin, metronidazole, quinolones, tetracycline antibiotics were detected. The results were evaluated according to Maximum residue limits of veterinary drugs in animal foods (2002, Ministry of Agriculture, 235 Announcement). Results Chloramphenicol, amantadine and sodium pentachlorophenate were not detected, the detection rates of ribavirin, metronidazole, tetracycline and quinolones were 1.49% (1/67), 32.84% (22/67), 37.31% (25/67), and 4.48% (3/67), respectively. Conclusion The residues of metronidazole in eggs in some areas of Yunnan province are serious, which should be paid attention.
英文标题:Analysis of monitoring results of veterinary drugs and banned drugs in eggs in some areas of Yunnan province in 2016
杨萍 云南省疾病预防控制中心
刘阳 云南省疾病预防控制中心
徐丹先 云南省疾病预防控制中心
万玉萍 云南省疾病预防控制中心
英文关键词:egg,veterinary drugs,banned drugs,residues,
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