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[生物] 水蜜桃采后防腐、保鲜与贮藏研究进展

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admin 发表于 2025-1-31 14:30 | 查看全部 阅读模式

水蜜桃鲜果味美色佳, 营养丰富, 受到市场与消费者广泛认可, 由于本身为跃变呼吸型核果且生产存在较强季节性, 容易在采后迅速腐烂变质, 造成巨大经济损失。随着农业产业及社会经济不断发展, 在逐步深入了解果蔬腐烂机理后, 国内外通过检测相关重要生理指标(失重率、硬度、可溶性固形物含量、相对电导率、呼吸强度、丙二醛含量、多酚氧化酶含量及腐烂指数等), 对水蜜桃保鲜技术进行了多方位探索, 形成部分可初步应用于实际生产的保鲜方法, 依据技术原理主要分为3类, 即物理保鲜方法(温控、气调、吸附材料、紫外辐照与超声波等)、化学保鲜方法(钙调剂、杀菌剂、涂膜技术与生长调节剂等)与生物保鲜方法(植物源中草药保鲜剂、微生物拮抗菌及生物酶制剂等), 在有效性、安全性和经济性上各具特点。在此基础上整合优化形成了少量复合保鲜方法, 具有明显优势, 成为水蜜桃未来防腐保鲜重要研究趋势。本文主要对目前国内水蜜桃防腐保鲜的研究现状、分析方法、实用技术和效果评估进行了概述, 为不断提升果品采后储运品质与效益,提供科学依据。

The fresh fruit of juicy peach is famous for its admirable taste and rich nutrient, which is widely recognized by the market and consumers. Because of its own respiratory peak and the production of strong seasonal, it is liable to decay with the rapid deterioration, resulting in huge economic losses. As the continuous development of agricultural industry and social economy, the peach preservation technology for multi-directional ways have been explored through the detection of important physiological indicators (weight loss, hardness, soluble solids content, relative conductivity, respiratory strength, malonaldehyde content, polyphenol oxidase content and decay index, etc.) with a gradual understanding of the mechanism of fruit and vegetable decay, which has formed some practical methods in the actual production. Those methods are divided into three categories according to technical principles, which are named physical preservation methods (temperature control, air conditioning, adsorption materials, ultraviolet radiation and ultrasound, etc.), chemical preservation methods (calcium regulator, fungicide, coating technology and growth regulators, etc.) and biological preservation methods (plant-source Chinese herbal medicine, microbial antagonism bacteria and biological enzyme preparations, etc.), which have their own characteristics in the effectiveness, safety and economy. On this basis, the combined preservation methods have been investigated and developed after integration and optimization, which have obvious advantages, and are becoming the important future research trends of antisepsis and preservation of peaches. In this paper, the status quo, analysis methods, practical techniques and effect evaluation of domestic juicy peach preservation were summarized, which can provide scientific evidences for continuously improving the postharvest storage and transportation quality and economic benefit of the fruit.

英文标题:Research progress of antisepsis, preservation and storage of postharvest juicy peach

杜小龙 南京大学生命科学学院生态学系
李建龙 南京大学生命科学学院生态学系
刘影 南京大学生命科学学院生态学系
周卫红 南京大学生命科学学院生态学系
刚成诚 南京大学生命科学学院生态学系
李卉 南京大学生命科学学院生态学系
王亦佳 南京大学生命科学学院生态学系
崔志宽 南京大学生命科学学院生态学系
李阳 南京大学生命科学学院生态学系
赵心语 南京大学生命科学学院生态学系
钱伟东 张家港市作物栽培技术指导站
俞忠 张家港市作物栽培技术指导站
何正岳 张家港市凤凰镇农业服务中心
潘斌 张家港市凤凰镇农业服务中心
罗斌 张家港市凤凰镇农业服务中心

英文关键词:honey peach,storage,postharvest antisepsis and preservation,physical preservation,chemical preservation,biological preservation,combined preservation,

2025-1-30 19:36 上传
602.29 KB
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