南果梨果实品质极优, 特别是经过后熟产生的酒香, 是辽宁省名优水果。作为一种地理标志产品, 南果梨产地溯源研究较少。目前对南果梨的元素含量、香气成分、糖酸比例等营养成分的研究主要是基于其采摘、加工和贮藏的目的。本文总结了近年来元素组成、有机成分及稳定同位素技术在水果类农产品产地源领域的基本原理和应用现状; 提出了将元素指纹、化学指纹、同位素指纹分析结合, 借助多元判别分析筛选指示性强的指标组合, 可提高对地域相近或品种相似的产品的判别精度, 是未来产地溯源技术的发展方向。同时总结了南果梨有机和无机成分的研究实例, 重点分析了品质指标与地理环境、成熟度的相关性, 探讨各类技术在南果梨产地溯源中的应用前景, 从而为鞍山南果梨的原产地保护提供有效的技术手段。
‘Nanguo’ pear is a famous fruit in Liaoning province because of its good quality, especially the unique aroma in the after-ripening process. Although ‘Nanguo’ pear is the product of geographical indication, the traceability of its geographical origins is seldom studied. Most researches focused on the composition of the elements, flavor and aroma, proportions of sugar and acids, for the purpose of optimizing harvesting, processing and storage. This review summarized the primary principles and applications of elemental, chemical, and isotopic fingerprints for tracing the geographical origins of fruits. The combination of the three fingerprints with multivariate analysis was highly suggested as the trend for developing traceability technology, given that it can improve the accuracy of the model via selecting a set of crucial indicators. Several studies on the composition of elements and organic components in ‘Nanguo’ pear especially on their correlation with environment and maturity were also concluded, with the emphasis on illustrating the possibility of applying these methods to protect ‘Nanguo’ pear, in order to supply a new technical means for protection of place of origin of ‘Nanguo’ pear.
英文标题:Research progress on origin traceability technology of fruits and application prospects of origin traceability of Nanguo pear
王世成 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所
李国琛 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所
王颜红 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所
李波 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所
孙辞 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所
崔杰华 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所
英文关键词:‘Nanguo’ pear,fruit,geographical origin traceability,inorganic element,organic component,isotope ratio mass spectrometry,
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