目的 探索不同植物提取物对马鲛鱼的保鲜效果, 为控制水产品质量提供技术依据。方法 将马鲛鱼切块, 经不同浓度的龙须菜寡糖(gracilaria lemaneiformis oligosaccharide, GLO)、大蒜提取物(garlic extract, GE)、迷迭香提取物(rosemary extract, RE)和生姜提取物(ginger root extract, GRE)浸泡30 min, 于4 ℃条件下贮藏, 以菌落总数、生物胺、pH值、挥发性盐基氮(total volatile basic nitrogen, TVB-N)、K值等指标评价其新鲜度。结果 GLO、GE、RE和GRE处理可延缓马鲛鱼中腐败微生物生长, 有效控制各指标值的变化情况, 使马鲛鱼块货架期延长1~2 d, 进而初步明确了GLO、GE、RE和GRE处理马鲛鱼块的合适浓度依次为0.5%~1.0%、1.0%~1.5%、0.03%~0.06%、1.0%~1.5%。结论 采用不同浓度的4种植物提取物可延长马鲛鱼的货架期。
Objective To explore the preservative effects of different plant extracts on mackerel, and provide a theoretical basis for the control of seafood quality. Methods The effects of different preservatives including gracilaria lemaneiformis oligosaccharide (GLO), garlic extract (GE), rosemary extract (RE) and ginger root extract (GRE) on the freshness of mackerel cuts were explored during storage at 4 ℃, which were immersed for 30 min. Freshness of mackerel was evaluated by total bacterial count, pH value, biogenic amines indicators, total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB-N) value and K value during cold storage. Results The treatment of GLO, GE, RE and GRE could delay the spoilage microbial growth and inhibit the increase of these indexes, resulting in the extension of the shelf-life of 1~2 d of mackerel. The study initially set a clear direction that the proper concentrations of GLO, GE, RE and GRE for mackerel were 0.5%~1.0%, 1.0%~1.5%, 0.03%~0.06% and 1.0%~1.5%, respectively. Conclusion Four kinds of plant extracts with different concentrations can prolong the shelf life of mackerel.KEY WORDS: gracilaria lemaneiformis oligosaccharides; garlic extract; rosemary extract; ginger root extract; prevention of mackerel; spoilage organisms; biogenic amines
英文标题:Preservative effects of 4 kinds of plant extracts on mackerel
闵娟 集美大学食品与生物工程学院
刘红 集美大学食品与生物工程学院,厦门市海洋功能食品重点实验室
李传勇 厦门市农产品质量安全检验测试中心
张凌晶 集美大学食品与生物工程学院,厦门市海洋功能食品重点实验室
曹敏杰 集美大学食品与生物工程学院,厦门市海洋功能食品重点实验室
刘光明 集美大学食品与生物工程学院,厦门市海洋功能食品重点实验室
英文关键词:gracilaria lemaneiformis oligosaccharides,garlic extract,rosemary extract,ginger root extract,prevention of mackerel,spoilage organisms,biogenic amines,
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