目的 分离提纯乌龙茶多糖, 进行组分分析, 同时评价多糖清除DPPH自由基能力。方法 采用纤维素离子交换层析法从水提乌龙茶粗多糖中分离得到一种多糖组分(WTPS-1), 采用苯酚硫酸法测定该乌龙茶多糖的中性糖含量; 采用红外光谱测定该多糖的结构组成; 采用气相色谱-质谱联用(GC-MS)分析该多糖的单糖组成; 采用清除DPPH自由基能力评价多糖的抗氧化活性。结果 乌龙茶多糖WTPS-1含β-糖苷键型吡喃糖, 其中性糖含量为71.9%, 单糖组成为鼠李糖、阿拉伯糖、木糖、甘露糖、葡萄糖和半乳糖, 比例为2.57:3.67:0.57:1:2.16:9.65。乌龙茶粗多糖、脱蛋白多糖和WTPS-1的DPPH自由基清除率分别为91.6%、60.7%和9.20%。结论 乌龙茶粗多糖的抗氧化能力强于脱蛋白多糖和WTPS-1, 为乌龙茶的进一步开发利用提供参考依据。
Objective To isolate, purify and analyze the composition of Oolong tea polysaccharides, and to evaluate the DPPH? radical scavenging activity of polysaccharides. Methods Tea polysaccharids fraction (WTPS-1) was isolated and purified from Oolong tea using ion exchange chromatography, the neutral sugar of WTPS-1 was measured by phenol-sulfuric acid method, the structure of WTPS-1 was analyzed by infrared spectroscopy (IR), the monosaccharide composition of WTPS-1 was measured by gas chromatography-mass spectrometer (GC-MS), and the antioxidant activity of WTPS-1 was evaluated by DPPH assay. Results The polysaccharide WTPS-1 contained β-glycoside bond type pyranose, and the content of neutral sugar was 71.9%. The monosaccharide compositions were Rha, Ara, Xyl, Man, Glu and Gal with a ratio of 2.57:3.67:0.57:1:2.16:9.65. DPPH? scavenging activity of crude polysaccharide, deproteinized polysaccharide and WTPS-1 were 91.6%, 60.7% and 9.20%, respectively. Conclusion The crude polysaccharide exhibited the relative stronger DPPH? scavenging activity than deproteinized polysaccharide and WTPS-1, and the results would provide useful references for the development of Oolong tea.
英文标题:Isolation purification and composition analysis of Oolong tea polysaccharides
陈梅春 福建省农业科学院农业生物资源研究所
张海峰 福建省农业科学院
陈峥 福建省农业科学院农业生物资源研究所
潘志针 福建省农业科学院农业生物资源研究所
朱育菁 福建省农业科学院农业生物资源研究所
刘波 福建省农业科学院农业生物资源研究所
英文关键词:polysaccharide,structure composition,monosaccharides components,DPPH• scavenging activity,
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