Objective To develop the regional foodborne illness case-based surveillance system, and achieve a real-time monitoring of foodborne illness cases, in order to improve work efficiency and quality. Methods The foodborne disease case-based surveillance process of each hospital was investigated and ele-mentary links in the process were found. Multi-client B/S structured regional foodborne illness case surveil-lance system was developed and 3 solutions of the interface between hospital and CDC were provided. Results Process of foodborne disease surveillance could be divided into 3 stages: case information collection, stool specimen collection and laboratory inspection and field epidemiological investigation. There were 2 modes and 3 links in the hospital foodborne disease surveillance. The development of regional foodborne illness case surveillance system with 3 patterns of client port were completed. The software interfaces docking solutions for hospitals were provided to achieve real-time monitoring of foodborne illness cases. Practice effect in the hospital was obvious. Conclusion Regional foodborne illness case surveillance system and interface solution can effectively improve surveillance work efficiency and quality.
标题:地区性食源性疾病病例实时监测系统的 开发与实
英文标题:Development and implementation of regional foodborne disease real-time monitoring system