随着乳制品行业的迅速发展, 兽药问题越来越受到人们的关注。使用违禁药物或超量、超范围使用兽药都将对人体健康产生严重威胁。为准确了解我国与发达国家乳制品中兽药残留限量标准的差异, 本文对中华人民共和国农业部235号公告《动物性食品中兽药最高残留限量》、欧盟的《Commission Regulation (EU) No37/2010》、日本的《maximum residue limits (MRLS) list of agricultural chemicals in foods》和美国及新西兰发布的兽药残留限量标准最新情况进行搜集整理, 建立名录, 并对各国兽药的种类、使用范围、限量值进行详细比较分析。发现各国兽药的种类、使用范围、限值存在不同程度的异同和交叉, 例如在禁用或不得残留的兽药名录数量上, 中国、美国、日本、欧盟、新西兰的数量分别为47、13、18、43、13种, 类别有兴奋剂类、激素类、抗生素类等。最后, 对我国兽药的使用和残留限量的修订和更新提出建议。
With the development of dairy industry, more and more attention has been paid to veterinary drug issues. The usage of illegal drugs and excess usage of veterinary drugs pose a serious threat to the public health. In order to exactly understand the differences of veterinary drug residue limits in dairy products between China and developed countries, this study collected the information of Announcement No. 235 of the Ministry of Agriculture of the People’s Republic of China, Commission Regulation(EU)No37/2010 announced by EU, Maximum Residue Limits (MRLS) List of Agricultural Chemicals in Foods announced by Japanese government as well as the latest standards of veterinary drug residue limits published by the USA and New Zealand. According to these information, the differences among different countries in the veterinary drug types, application ranges and quantity limitation were carefully compared. The results indicated that the types, application ranges and limitations of veterinary drugs in different countries had similarities and differences to varying degrees. For example, the amounts of drugs which were prohibited to be used or shall not be detected in any food were 47, 13, 18, 43, 13 in China, the USA, Japan, the EU, New Zealand, respectively. The types of these drugs were stimulant, hormone, antibiotic, etc. Moreover, some suggestions were proposed for the revision and update of the animal drug utilization and limitations.
英文标题:International comparative analysis of veterinary drug residues in dairy products
孙颖宜 上海市质量监督检验技术研究院
成姗 上海市质量监督检验技术研究院
林琳 上海市质量监督检验技术研究院
葛宇 上海市质量监督检验技术研究院
英文关键词:dairy product,drug residues,list,
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