罗非鱼是我国水产品出口的拳头产品, 近年来保持快速增长的态势。但随着2014年12月美国多次检出我国出口罗非鱼磺胺类药物残留并对相关企业实施“自动扣检”措施, 罗非鱼出口严重受阻, 产业遭受致命打击。本文通过分析比较了我国近年来罗非鱼出口贸易情况, 并对其出口不合格情况进行系统的整理和分析, 发现罗非鱼产业存在产品加工程度较低、产业依赖出口且市场过于集中无定价权、养殖大环境日益恶化违规用药等违法违规行为屡禁不止等问题, 通过对这些问题进行分析研究, 建议采取加强源头监管、推进产业转型升级、促进行业自治、构建多元化市场格局和推进国际共治等对策措施, 以期对提高罗非鱼出口产品质量和完善我国出口水产品质量安全管理体系提供一定参考。
Tilapia is the key product for Chinese aquatic exportation, which maintains to stable growth trend in the past few years. The tilapia industry suffered a fatal blow due to the automatic detention policy of the United States for the residual sulfa drugs detected in tilapia from China since DEC 2014.This article sys-tematically analyzes the trade situation and unqualified situation of exported tilapia in recent years, It can be noticed that the aquaculture of tilapia displays a low degree of product processing, as well as a high level of dependence on export without pricing power, which is also suffering serious problems like harsh cultivation environment, and the difficulties of forbidding improper use of drugs. Based on the plights mentioned above, this article attempts to put forward several suggestions on the purpose of improving the quality of exported tilapia, to establish a strict quality and safety management system in China, such as enhancing regulation of tilapia larvae, promoting industrial upgrading and association of self-management, constructing a new market pattern with product diversification, advancing globe governance on food safety by reinforcing communication, etc.
英文标题:The actualities and countermeasures of export tilapia in China
赵海军 湛江出入境检验检疫局
杨彬彬 国家质量监督检验检疫总局
郝跃 杭州出入境检验检疫局
陈荣溢 广东出入境检验检疫局
黎锐恒 南沙出入境检验检疫局
岑坚 湛江市水产进出口企业协会
陈飞 湛江出入境检验检疫局
霍琪 湛江出入境检验检疫局
刘建芳 湛江出入境检验检疫局
英文关键词:Tilapia,export,product quality, countermeasures,
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