目的 对液熏鲍加工工艺进行优化研究。方法 以新鲜鲍为原料, 通过选择色泽、质地和风味为评价指标, 确定合理的因素权重, 建立感官综合评价评分体系, 并采用响应面法对液熏鲍加工工艺进行优化, 探讨了不同浸泡温度、浸泡时间、烘干温度和烘干时间对液熏制品感官指标的影响。 结果 基于模糊数学感官评价法确定了液熏鲍最佳的加工工艺条件为: 浸泡温度55 ℃, 浸泡时间2.3 h, 烘干温度67 ℃, 烘干时间20 min。结论 本工艺所得液熏鲍具有外观好、光泽感好、呈烟熏色、烟熏香味浓郁、肉质富有弹性等特点。
Objective To optimize the processing conditions of liquid-smoked abalone. Methods Processing technology of liquid-smoked abalone was optimized by the response surface method, through selecting color, texture and flavor as the evaluation factors, and the integrated assessment system was established by calculate the weight coefficient of each factor. The effects of different soaking temperature, soaking time, drying temperature and drying time on the sensory index of liquid-smoked products were investigated. Results Based on the fuzzy mathematics sensory evaluation, the optimal processing conditions were as follows: soaking temperature 55 ℃, soaking time 2.3 h, drying temperature 67 ℃, and drying time 20 min. Conclusion The liquid-smoked abalone has the advantages of good appearance, tasty flavor, meat elasticity, etc.
英文标题:Optimization on processing of liquid-smoked abalone based on fuzzy ma-thematics sensory evaluation
吴靖娜 福建省水产研究所,国家海水鱼类加工技术研发分中心,福建省海洋生物增养殖与高值化利用重点实验室,福建省海洋生物资源开发利用协同创新中心
路海霞 福建省水产研究所,国家海水鱼类加工技术研发分中心,福建省海洋生物增养殖与高值化利用重点实验室,福建省海洋生物资源开发利用协同创新中心
蔡水淋 福建省水产研究所,国家海水鱼类加工技术研发分中心,福建省海洋生物增养殖与高值化利用重点实验室,福建省海洋生物资源开发利用协同创新中心
位绍红 福建省水产研究所,国家海水鱼类加工技术研发分中心,福建省海洋生物增养殖与高值化利用重点实验室,福建省海洋生物资源开发利用协同创新中心
刘智禹 福建省水产研究所,国家海水鱼类加工技术研发分中心,福建省海洋生物增养殖与高值化利用重点实验室,福建省海洋生物资源开发利用协同创新中心
英文关键词:abalone,liquid-smoked,response surface design,fuzzy evaluation,
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