我国食品生产加工小作坊和食品摊贩监管中 存在的问题与建议
当前, 我国食品生产加工小作坊和食品摊贩发展迅速、数量非常巨大, 在对其监管过程中存在监管思路不清晰、相关监管配套法规缺失、监管机构整合遗漏、监管手段单一等问题, 亟待解决。本文从我国食品生产加工小作坊和食品摊贩的现状出发, 结合我国对生产加工小作坊和食品摊贩的监管模式的变迁, 分析其主要特点及存在的必然性, 探讨对其监管过程中存在的主要问题, 借鉴欧盟、美国、新加坡等国家先进的监管经验, 进而提出理顺小作坊和食品摊贩监管思路, 建立健全配套法律法规体系, 完善监管体制、壮大监管力量, 对作坊和食品摊贩实行统一规划安置、划片集中经营, 以及强化风险交流机制, 建立信息共享平台等建议措施, 以期为我国食品生产加工小作坊和食品摊贩监管工作提供借鉴。
Currently, food processing workshops and food vendors have undergone a rapid development with an enlargement of their great numbers. However, there are many problems in the supervision for them, which need to be solved urgently. For example, the idea of supervision is not clear, the supervision is lack of supporting legal system, and the integration of agencies, as well as means of supervision still exist many vul-nerabilities. Combining with the development and changes of food processing workshops and food vendors, this article analyzed the features, the necessity of their existence, and regulatory issues from the current situation of them. It used reference from the European Union, the United States and Singapore advanced managerial experience, and put forward some suggestions to improve the supervision. This article put forward the following suggestions: firstly, it is necessary to sort out the ideas of supervision; secondly, we should establish and perfect the supporting system of laws and regulations; thirdly, it is essential to perfect the regulatory and strengthen the supervision power; fourthly, we need to manage the food processing workshops and food vendors centralized and regionally. Furthermore, we should strengthen the risk communication mechanism and developed a share information platform.
标题:我国食品生产加工小作坊和食品摊贩监管中 存在的问题与建议
英文标题:Suggestion of supervision of food processing workshops and food vendors in China
吴磊 北京工商大学法学院
刘筠筠 北京工商大学法学院
英文关键词:food processing workshops,food vendors,food safety supervision,
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