目的 通过介绍HACCP体系在本公司蜂蜜实际生产中的运用, 以期能为其他蜂产品企业提供参考, 共同为人类健康事业添砖增瓦。方法 通过分析从蜂蜜原料到蜂蜜终产品整个食品工艺流程, 寻找关键控制点(CCP), 并确定关键控制点, 在发生食品安全危害之前将其危害消除或达到可以接受的水平。结果 在蜂蜜生产过程中制定了2个CCP, 分别为原料收购时氯霉素限量的控制和化蜜、巴氏杀菌时的微生物数量的控制。结论 HACCP体系是一项保证食品安全的预防性技术管理体系。通过引入HACCP体系, 对蜂蜜产品进行有效地食品安全控制, 从而确保生产出健康的蜂产品, 为广大消费者提供有益健康的蜂蜜。
Objective To show the application of hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) in practical honey process for providing references to other bee products enterprises. Methods HACCP was induced to ensure honey production to be safe. Critical control points (CCPs) were searched out and ensured of them by analyzing the process from raw materials to end products to eliminate or decrease food hazard to be acceptable. Results Two CCPs were formulated which were the maximum residue limits of chloramphenicol in raw honey and microbial limits in process of melting honey and pasteurization. Conclusion HACCP was an advanced managerial method, which could strengthen the management of enterprises themselves to ensure food quality and safety. Quality of honey could be better by applying them to supply healthy honey for customers.
英文标题:Application of HACCP in controlling honey quality in production
李君艳 北京百花蜂业科技发展股份公司
英文关键词:honey,hazard analysis critical control point,critical control point,heath,
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