对某市生活饮用水微生物指标的监测分析与 风险评估
目的 通过对某市2014年生活饮用水中微生物指标的监测分析与风险评估, 了解该市水质安全状况, 便于水质监管部门进行预防控制。方法 在该市的9个监测点随机抽取生活饮用水样本676个, 采用国标方法对菌落总数、总大肠菌群、耐热大肠菌群、大肠埃希氏菌4个微生物指标进行检测分析, 并采用多维灰聚类方法对不合格率最高的监测点7#的不合格样本进行风险评估。结果 该市生活饮用水水样的总不合格率为55.03%, 菌落总数和总大肠菌群是导致不合格的主要原因。监测点7#的不合格样本中, 低风险类型占79%, 中风险类型占16%, 高风险类型占5%。结论 该市生活饮用水存在发生肠道传染病的风险, 需要采取措施进行改进。
Objective To analyze and assess the risk of microorganisms in drinking water in order to prevent and control the drinking water pollution. Methods A total of 676 samples of water were selected from 9 monitoring stations of a city in central China in 2014. The microbial indexes were determined according to the national standards. Because of the lowest qualification rate, the 7th monitoring station’s unqualified samples were analyzed by the multidimensional grey cluster assessment method. Results The fraction defective of microorganisms test results of drinking water was 55.03% in the city. The main influencing factors were the aerobic plate count and the coli form groups. In the 7th monitoring station, the low-risk type accounted for 79%, the middle-risk type was 16% and the high-risk type was only 5%. Conclusion There are some security risks existed in the city, and the related supervision department should take measures to improve the water quality.
标题:对某市生活饮用水微生物指标的监测分析与 风险评估
英文标题:Analysis and risk assessment of microorganisms in drinking water in a city of China
孙元媛 山西大学生命科学学院;山西大学食品药品快速检测中心
李亚楠 山西大学生命科学学院;山西大学食品药品快速检测中心
宋翔 山西大学生命科学学院;山西大学食品药品快速检测中心
黄登宇 山西大学生命科学学院;山西省食品药品监督管理局
英文关键词:drinking water,microorganism,multidimensional grey cluster assessment,water quality monitoring,risk assessment,
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