GB 28050-2011标注及应用中的主要问题分析
营养标签是食品制造者向消费者展示食品营养信息和特性说明的媒介, 也是消费者直观了解食品营养信息以求准确地结合自身健康特点进而更加合理挑选食品的重要依据。GB 28050-2011《食品安全国家标准 预包装食品营养标签通则》的出台, 标志着国家标准制定者与国际食品管理先进理念接轨的意愿, 从以往单纯注重食品安全和质量延伸到了规范科学饮食, 在食品安全监管的基础上, 将安全管理提升到了促进公众营养认知和引导平衡膳食的更高层次。本文重点讲述GB 28050实施后, 在对预包装食品营养标签检验中发现的各类标示常见问题, 对标示营养成分表中营养素成分数据科学获取方式及规范标示方法提出参考意见, 以供食品监管、生产、检验人士参考。另外, 本文还对GB 28050在实施过程中易引发争议、尚需讨论的一些实际应用问题进行梳理, 以期共同交流明确。
Nutrition labeling refers to a media used by foodstuff producers to illustrate food nutrition information and characteristics, and a significant reference for consumers to understand food nutrition information intuitively in order to select food more reasonably according to their health characteristics. Releasing of GB 28050-2011 National Food Safety Standard-General standard for the nutrition labeling of prepackaged foods marks the constitutor of the government standard intends to be in agreement with advanced concepts of international foodstuff administration, extends to normalize scientific diet instead of previous laying emphasis on food safety and quality merely, thereby upgrades safety management to a higher level of promoting public cognition of nutrition and leading balance diet on the basis of food safety supervision and management. This article focuses on statement of the author’s summary of common problems in all kinds of indication and labels discovered during inspection of prepackaged food nutrition labeling since the implementation of GB 28050, and offers proposal related scientific access and standard method of indications and labels in regard of marking nutrient composition data in nutrition information, for the users’ reference related to food supervision, production and inspection. In addition, this article also organizes a few practical application problems which are easily disputed and still needed to discuss during the implementation process of GB 28050, and looks forward to get clear and definite answers by mutual discussion.
标题:GB 28050-2011标注及应用中的主要问题分析
英文标题:Analysis of major issues on implementation and application of GB 28050-2011
张月盈 云南省产品质量监督检验研究院
鲁燕骅 云南省产品质量监督检验研究院
张锡云 云南省产品质量监督检验研究院
英文关键词:nutrition labeling,nutrient composition data,prepackaged food,food safety standard,
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